StringFieldMapper.toXContent uses the defaults for analyzed fields in order to
know which options to add to the builder. This means that if the field is not
analyzed and has norms enabled, it will omit to emit `norms.enabled: true`.
Parsing the mapping again will result in a StringFieldMapper that has norms
The same fix applies to index options.
If elasticsearch was started in the foreground an immediate exit on startup
led to logging in the logfile, where as when starting in the background,
an immediate exit logged to stdout.
Added base TransportAction class for master read operations that execute locally or not depending on the request class (local flag).
Added support for local flag where missing, in a backwards compatible manner:
- IndicesExistsRequest
- GetAliasesRequest (get alias api, aliases exist api)
- TypesExistsRequest
- GetIndexTemplatesRequest (get template, template exists)
- GetSettingsRequest
- GetRepositoriesRequest
- PendingClusterTasks
Added parsing of the local flag where missing in Rest*Action.
Updated SPEC adding local flag param where missing and added REST tests that contain use of the local flag where it was just added.
During query parsing if a filter is encountered that extends from NoCacheFilter then the filter will not be given to the filter cache (also not wrapped in FilterCacheFilterWrapper).
Also if a filter directly or indirectly wraps a NoCacheFilter then that filter will also not be cached.
Relates to #4757
Add transport.publish_port setting to allow users to specify the port
other cluster members should use when connecting to an instance. This
is needed for systems such as OpenShift, where cluster communication
needs to use a publicly accessibly proxy port, because the normal port
(9300) is bound to a private loopback IP address.
If a thread is not alive getting ThreadMXBean#getThreadInfo(long[], int)
places null elemnents in the returned array which are not repected
in the HotTheards API.
`omit_term_freq_and_positions` was deprecated in `0.20` and
is not documented anymore. We should reject indices that are
created with this option in the future.
With JUnit up to 4.10 there's no way to distinguish between what's shown in IDEs and test ids that need to be unique. A test Description is identified by just a string, that needs to be unique and is shown by IDEs. IDEs have slightly different behaviours when it comes to showing tests and suites titles. Some IDE (e.g. IntelliJ) strips the description on '.', which is why the '.' was replaced in the first place, in order to obtain the same behaviour on all IDEs. On the other hand the information printed out by RestReproduceInfoPrinter was wrong as the file path contained a '_' instead of a '.', which made the string to reproduce a failure useless in some cases. At the end of the day it seems better to just keep the dots and accept slightly different behaviours that are IDE dependent.
If the thread pools of an elasticsearch node cannot be shutdown
immediately, a wait of 10 seconds is added. This clashes with the
RPM scripts, as by default the init functions wait for 3 seconds
for a service to shutdown before a KILL signal is sent, resulting
in an unclean shutdown - not from an elasticsearch point of view,
but from init system point of view, as some lock files are left
In order to prevent this the init script as well as the systemd
configuration now feature the same timeout than the debian package,
which is 20 seconds.
The await statement, which causes the 10 second delay can be found in
Previously, the cluster state before flushing was used to check which
types map the given types pattern. However, this state might not be
up to date. Instead use the more recent cluster state from clusterState.state()
This fixes a test failure of PercolatorTests.testDeletePercolatorType
Other changes:
- use BoolFilter instead of OrFilter, because it is faster
- throw exception immediately when no type matching the given patterns
was found in cluster state
The get field mapping API now includes a mappings element after the index in its JSON
Added more consistent endpoint /{index}/_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}
and added endpoint /_mapping/{type}/field/{fields}
which are also used in tests
Added rest spec tests for wildcards and _all
Relates #4071
NOTE: This is not yet complete for 1.0. We need to return an empty JSON document instead
of a 404 if the field of an existing index and type is not found. However this is not
possible with the current data structure being returned. Needs to be finished for 1.0.
* Made GET mappings consistent, supporting
* /{index}/_mappings/{type}
* /{index}/_mapping/{type}
* /_mapping/{type}
* Added "mappings" in the JSON response to align it with other responses
* Made GET warmers consistent, support /{index}/_warmers/{type} and /_warmer, /_warner/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET aliases consistent, support /{index}/_aliases/{name} and /_alias, /_aliases/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET settings consistent, added /{index}/_setting/{name}, /_settings/{name}
as well as supportings wildcards in settings name
* Returning empty JSON instead of a 404, if a specific warmer/
setting/alias/type is missing
* Added a ton of spec tests for all of the above
* Added a couple of more integration tests for several features
Relates #4071
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.