* Add limits for ngram and shingle settings (#27211)
Create index-level settings:
max_ngram_diff - maximum allowed difference between max_gram and min_gram in
NGramTokenFilter/NGramTokenizer. Default is 1.
max_shingle_diff - maximum allowed difference between max_shingle_size and
min_shingle_size in ShingleTokenFilter. Default is 3.
Throw an IllegalArgumentException when
trying to create NGramTokenFilter, NGramTokenizer, ShingleTokenFilter
where difference between max_size and min_size exceeds the settings value.
Some code-paths use anonymous classes (such as NonCollectingAggregator
in terms agg), which messes up the display name of the profiler. If
we encounter an anonymous class, we need to grab the super's name.
Another naming issue was that ProfileAggs were not delegating to the
wrapped agg's name for toString(), leading to ugly display.
This PR also fixes up the profile documentation. Some of the examples were
executing against empty indices, which shows different profile results
than a populated index (and made for confusing examples).
Finally, I switched the agg display names from the fully qualified name
to the simple name, so that it's similar to how the query profiles work.
This change adds a new `_split` API that allows to split indices into a new
index with a power of two more shards that the source index. This API works
alongside the `_shrink` API but doesn't require any shard relocation before
indices can be split.
The split operation is conceptually an inverse `_shrink` operation since we
initialize the index with a _syntetic_ number of routing shards that are used
for the consistent hashing at index time. Compared to indices created with
earlier versions this might produce slightly different shard distributions but
has no impact on the per-index backwards compatibility. For now, the user is
required to prepare an index to be splittable by setting the
`index.number_of_routing_shards` at index creation time. The setting allows the
user to prepare the index to be splittable in factors of
`index.number_of_routing_shards` ie. if the index is created with
`index.number_of_routing_shards: 16` and `index.number_of_shards: 2` it can be
split into `4, 8, 16` shards. This is an intermediate step until we can make
this the default. This also allows us to safely backport this change to 6.x.
The `_split` operation is implemented internally as a DeleteByQuery on the
lucene level that is executed while the primary shards execute their initial
recovery. Subsequent merges that are triggered due to this operation will not be
executed immediately. All merges will be deferred unti the shards are started
and will then be throttled accordingly.
This change is intended for the 6.1 feature release but will not support pre-6.1
indices to be split unless these indices have been shrunk before. In that case
these indices can be split backwards into their original number of shards.
This query returns documents that match with at least one ore more
of the provided terms. The number of terms that must match varies
per document and is either controlled by a minimum should match
field or computed per document in a minimum should match script.
* Update Docker docs for 6.0.0-rc2
* Update the docs to match the new Docker "image flavours" of "basic",
"platinum", and "oss".
* Clarifications for Openshift and bind-mounts
* Bump docker-compose 2.x format to 2.2
* Combine Docker Toolbox instructions for setting vm.max_map_count for
both macOS + Windows
* devicemapper is not the default storage driver any more on RHEL
Due to a change happened via #26102 to make the nested source consistent
with or without source filtering, the _source of a nested inner hit was
always wrapped in the parent path. This turned out to be not ideal for
users relying on the nested source, as it would require additional parsing
on the client side. This change fixes this, the _source of nested inner hits
is now no longer wrapped by parent json objects, irregardless of whether
the _source is included as is or source filtering is used.
Internally source filtering and highlighting relies on the fact that the
_source of nested inner hits are accessible by its full field path, so
in order to now break this, the conversion of the _source into its binary
form is performed in FetchSourceSubPhase, after any potential source filtering
is performed to make sure the structure of _source of the nested inner hit
is consistent irregardless if source filtering is performed.
PR for #26944Closes#26944
Today all these API calls have a sideeffect of making documents visible
to search requests. While this is sometimes desired it's an unnecessary sideeffect
and now that we have an internal (engine-private) index reader (#26972) we artificially
add a refresh call for bwc. This change removes this sideeffect in 7.0.
This commit adds a note to the docs on the full_id parameter in the cat
nodes API. This is a useful parameter but was not previously documented
Relates #27009
This commit reformats a paragraph in the template docs to fit in 80
columns as for the rest of the doc, and as-is a standard that we loosely
adhere to.
This commit clarifies the interaction between settings specified in a
create index request, and those that would come from any templates that
apply to the create index request.
Relates #26994
The shard preference _primary, _replica and its variants were useful
for the asynchronous replication. However, with the current impl, they
are no longer useful and should be removed.
Add fuzzy_transpositions parameter to multi_match and query_string queries.
Add fuzzy_transpositions, fuzzy_prefix_length and fuzzy_max_expansions
parameters to simple_query_string query.
In 5.x pure wildcard queries `*` in `query_string` are rewritten to `exists` query for efficiency.
Though this introduced a change in the document that match such queries because
`exists` query also return documents with an empty value for the field.
This change clarifies this behavior for 5.x and beyond.
* review