Checks on static test state are run by an @After method in ESTestCase. Suite-scoped tests in ESIntegTestCase only shut down in an @AfterClass method, which executes after the @After method in ESTestCase. The suite-scoped cluster can thus still execute actions that will violate the checks in @After without those being caught. A subsequent test executing within the same JVM will fail these checks however when @After gets called for that test.
This commit adds an explicit call to check the static test state after the suite-scoped cluster has been shut down.
Today these two are considered mutual exclusive but they are not in
practice. For instance a mixed version cluster might not return a
given warning depending on which node we talk to but on the other hand
some runners might not even support warnings at all so the test might be
skipped either by version or by feature.
The `IndexService#newQueryShardContext()` method creates a QueryShardContext on
shard `0`, with a `null` reader and that uses `System.currentTimeMillis()` to
resolve `now`. This may hide bugs, since the shard id is sometimes used for
query parsing (it is used to salt random score generation in `function_score`),
passing a `null` reader disables query rewriting and for some use-cases, it is
simply not ok to rely on the current timestamp (eg. percolation). So this pull
request removes this method and instead requires that all call sites provide
these parameters explicitly.
Before publishing a cluster state the master connects to the nodes that are added in the cluster state. When publishing fails, however, it does not disconnect from these nodes, leaving NodeConnectionsService out of sync with the currently applied cluster state.
The `_cat/nodes` API might not be available in all clusters for instance
if they have authorization enabled. This change falls back to the previously
used method of using the '/' endpoint to fetch the nodes version, this is best
effort and will emit a warning.
Lucene 6.3 is expected to be released in the next weeks so it'd be good to give
it some integration testing. I had to upgrade randomized-testing too so that
both Lucene and Elasticsearch are on the same version.
Today we only use a single node to send requests to when we run REST tests.
In some cases we have more than one node (ie. in the BWC case) where we should
send requests to all nodes in a round-robin fashion. This change passes all
available node endpoints to the rest test.
Additionally, this change adds the setting of `discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes`
to the cluster formation forcing the nodes to wait for all other nodes until the cluster
is formed. This allows for a more realistic master election and allows all master eligable
nodes to become master while before always the first node in the cluster became the master.
This also adds logging to each test run to log the master nodes version and the minimum node
version in the cluster to help debugging BWC test failures.
This fixes our cluster formation task to run REST tests against a mixed version cluster.
Yet, due to some limitations in our test framework `indices.rollover` tests are currently
disabled for the BWC case since they select the current master as the merge node which
happens to be a BWC node and we can't relocate all shards to it since the primaries are on
a higher version node. This will be fixed in a followup.
Note: This has been cherry-picked from 5.0 and fixes several rest tests
as well as a BWC break in ``
The network disruption type "network delay" continues delaying existing requests even after the disruption has been cleared. This commit ensures that the requests get to execute right after the delay rule is cleared.
This commit fixes responses to HEAD requests so that the value of the
Content-Length is correct per the HTTP spec. Namely, the value of this
header should be equal to the Content-Length if the request were not a
HEAD request.
This commit also fixes a memory leak on HEAD requests to the main action
that arose from the bytes on a builder not being released due to them
being dropped on the floor to ensure that the response to the main
action did not have a body.
Relates #21123
Currently test that check that equals() and hashCode() are working as expected
for classes implementing them are quiet similar. This change moves common
assertions in this method to a common utility class. In addition, another common
utility function in most of these test classes that creates copies of input
object by running them through a StreamOutput and reading them back in, is moved
to ESTestCase so it can be shared across all these classes.
Today the request interceptor can't support async calls since the response
of the async call would execute on a different thread ie. a client or listener
thread. This means in-turn that the intercepted handler is not executed with the
thread it was supposed to run and therefor can, if it's executing blocking
operations, potentially deadlock an entire server.
* Move all zen discovery classes into o.e.discovery.zen
This collapses sub packages of zen into zen. These all had just a couple
classes each, and there is really no reason to have the subpackages.
* fix checkstyle
`LocalDiscovery` is a discovery implementation that uses static in memory maps to keep track of current live nodes. This is used extensively in our tests in order to speed up cluster formation (i.e., shortcut the 3 second ping period used by `ZenDiscovery` by default). This is sad as that mean that most of the test run using a different discovery semantics than what is used in production. Instead of replacing the entire discovery logic, we can use a similar approach to only shortcut the pinging components.
This commit changes the current REST API parser to make it fail and throw an exception when a REST specification file contains a duplicated parameters, or path, or method, or path part.
This is important to allow any test to use RandomQueryBuilder#createQuery()
since some of the query builders that are used in this test test the length
of the types array and otherwise will thow NPE if the test is not a subclass
of AbstractQueryTestCase.
The cache relies on the equals() method so we just need to make sure script
queries can never be equals, even to themselves in the case that a weight
is used to produce a Scorer on the same segment multiple times.
Today we throw an assertion error if we release an AbstractArray more than once.
Yet, it's recommended to implement close methods such that they can be invoked
more than once. Guaranteed single release calls are hard to implement and some
situations might not be tested causing for instance `CircuitBreaker` to operate on
corrupted memory stats.
UpdateHelper, MetaDataIndexUpgradeService, and some recovery
Move ClusterSettings to nullable ctor parameter of TransportService
so it isn't forgotten.
This change proposes the removal of all non-tcp transport implementations. The
mock transport can be used by default to run tests instead of local transport that has
roughly the same performance compared to TCP or at least not noticeably slower.
This is a master only change, deprecation notice in 5.x will be committed as a
separate change.
Today SearchContext expose the current context as a thread local which makes any kind of sane interface design very very hard. This PR removes the thread local entirely and instead passes the relevant context anywhere needed. This simplifies state management dramatically and will allow for a much leaner SearchContext interface down the road.
LongGCDisruption suspends and resumes node threads but respects several
`unsafe` class name patterns where it's unsafe to suspend. For instance
log4j uses a global lock so we can't suspend a thread that is currently
calling into log4j. The same is true for the security manager, it's similar
to log4j a shared resource between the test and the node that is _suspended_.
This change adds `java.lang.SecrityManager` to the unsafe patterns.
This prevents test framework deadlocking if a nodes thread is supended
while it's calling into the security manager that uses synchronized maps etc.
today it's not possible to use date-math efficiently with the `_rollover`
API. This change adds support for date-math in the target index as well as
support for preserving the math logic when an existing index that was created with
a date math expression all subsequent indices are created with the same expression.
The logging listener tests started failing after
953a8a959b6c116d99ff41cb329adfcbbca94269 when the tests are run with set to any level other than debug. This is because
these tests were based around the assumption that the default logging
level was info, which was the case before that commit fixed setting the
default logging level via that system property. This commit fixes these
failing tests by adjusting this assumption to account for the fact that
the default logging level could be different.
Pipe in the `` system property to the log4j config file used in tests. We still default to info. Also adapts the logger name to use the first letter of packages.
Many of our unit tests instantiate an `AllocationService`, which requires having a `GatewayAllocator`. Today almost all of our test use a class called `NoopGatewayAllocator` which does nothing, effectively leaving all shard assignments to the balanced allocator. This is sad as it means we test a system that behaves differently than our production logic in very basic things. For example, a started primary that is lost will be assigned to a node that didn't use to have it.
This PR removes `NoopGatewayAllocator` in favor of a new `TestGatewayAllocator` that inherits the standard `GatewayAllocator` and overrides shard information fetching to return information based on historical assignments the allocator has done. The only exception is `BalanceConfigurationTests` which does test only the balancer and I opted to not have it work around the `GatewayAllocator` being in it's way.
Changes the API of GatewayAllocator#applyStartedShards and
GatewayAllocator#applyFailedShards to take both a RoutingAllocation
and a list of shards to apply. This allows better mock allocators
to be created as being done in #20637.
Removes the FailedRerouteAllocation class and StartedRerouteAllocation
class, as they were just wrappers for RerouteAllocation that stored
started and failed shards, but these started and failed shards can
be passed in directly to the methods that needed them, removing the
need for this wrapper class and extra level of indirection.
Today we hold on to all possible tokenizers, tokenfilters etc. when we create
an index service on a node. This was mainly done to allow the `_analyze` API to
directly access all these primitive. We fixed this in #19827 and can now get rid of
the AnalysisService entirely and replace it with a simple map like class. This
ensures we don't create a gazillion long living objects that are entirely useless since
they are never used in most of the indices. Also those objects might consume a considerable
amount of memory since they might load stopwords or synonyms etc.
With the switch to Log4j 2 throughout our code base, the logger usage checker was temporarily disabled. This commit
adapts the checks to work with Log4j 2 and re-enables the Gradle checks.
This commit changes the default behavior of `_flush` to block if other flushes are ongoing.
This also removes the use of `FlushNotAllowedException` and instead simply return immediately
by skipping the flush. Users should be aware if they set this option that the flush might or might
not flush everything to disk ie. no transactional behavior of some sort.