This commit defaults fuzzy_transpositions on fuzzy queries to true. This means that by default, tranpositions will now count as a single
the failure type. This change marks the engine as corrupted only when the failure
is caused by an actual index corrruption. When an engine is failed for other
reasons, the engine is only closed without removing the shard state.
Plugin Manager can now use another simplified form when a user wants to install an official plugin hosted at elasticsearch download service.
The form we use is:
bin/plugin install pluginname
As plugins share now the same version as elasticsearch, we can automatically guess what is the exact current version of the plugin manager script.
Also, download service will now use `/org.elasticsearch.plugins/pluginName/` URL path to download a plugin.
If the older form is provided (`user/plugin/version` or `user/plugin`), we will still use:
* elasticsearch download service at `/user/plugin/`
* maven central with groupIp=user, artifactId=plugin and version=version
* github with user=user, repoName=plugin and tag=version
* github with user=user, repoName=plugin and branch=master if no version is set
Note that community plugin providers can use other download services by using `--url` option.
If you try to use the new form with a non core elasticsearch plugin, the plugin manager will reject
it and will give you all known core plugins.
-u, --url [plugin location] : Set exact URL to download the plugin from
-i, --install [plugin name] : Downloads and installs listed plugins [*]
-t, --timeout [duration] : Timeout setting: 30s, 1m, 1h... (infinite by default)
-r, --remove [plugin name] : Removes listed plugins
-l, --list : List installed plugins
-v, --verbose : Prints verbose messages
-s, --silent : Run in silent mode
-h, --help : Prints this help message
[*] Plugin name could be:
elasticsearch-plugin-name for Elasticsearch 2.0 Core plugin (download from
elasticsearch/plugin/version for elasticsearch commercial plugins (download from
groupId/artifactId/version for community plugins (download from maven central or oss sonatype)
username/repository for site plugins (download from github master)
Elasticsearch Core plugins:
- elasticsearch-analysis-icu
- elasticsearch-analysis-kuromoji
- elasticsearch-analysis-phonetic
- elasticsearch-analysis-smartcn
- elasticsearch-analysis-stempel
- elasticsearch-cloud-aws
- elasticsearch-cloud-azure
- elasticsearch-cloud-gce
- elasticsearch-delete-by-query
- elasticsearch-lang-javascript
- elasticsearch-lang-python
AbstractFieldMapper is the only direct base class of FieldMapper.
This change moves all AbstractFieldMapper functionality into
FieldMapper, since there is no need for 2 levels of abstraction.
Each scroll on a scan causes a query to be executed. This commit adds support for these indirect queries to count against the search stats.
Additionally, this commit adds three new search stats: scroll_count, scroll_time_in_millis, and scroll_current. scroll_count tracks the
number of completed scrolls. scroll_time_in_millis tracks the total time that scrolls were held open. scroll_current tracks the number of
scrolls currently open.
In testing infra, one can simulate node GCs, network issues and other problems by adding a disruption to the test cluster. Those disruption are automatically removed after the test is done. At the moment each disruption indicates how long it will take the cluster to heal once the disruption is removed and the test cluster waits for this amount of time. However, more often than not this is an upper bound, causing a much longer wait than needed. Instead we should push the responsibility of healing to the disruption it self, where we can be smarter about what we wait for.
When using `awaitBusy`, sometimes, you might not want to double time between two runs in an infinitive manner.
For example, let's say it will probably take 30 seconds to run a test.
When doubling all the time, you will most likely wait for a bigger time than needed:
|iteration|ms |s |duration (ms)|duration (s)|
For example here, if the task is successful after 35 seconds, we will most likely have to wait for 32s more before the Predicate is run again.
With this patch, the maximum sleep time is now set to 1 second.
This pipeline aggregation runs a script on each bucket in the parent aggregation to determine whether the bucket is kept in the final aggregation tree. If the script returns true the bucket is retained, if it returns false the bucket is dropped
By extending AbstractQueryBuilder, EmptyQueryBuilder had setters for boost and
queryname which defeats its original purpose of beeing a stand-in
singleton for empty queries. By directly implementing QueryBuilder (and
temporarily also extending ToXContentToBytes) this is prevented
If you are using the default date or the named identifiers of dates,
the current implementation was allowed to read a year with only one
digit. In order to make this more strict, this fixes a year to be at
least 4 digits. Same applies for month, day, hour, minute, seconds.
Also the new default is `strictDateOptionalTime` for indices created
with Elasticsearch 2.0 or newer.
In addition a couple of not exposed date formats have been exposed, as they
have been mentioned in the documentation.
Moving the query building functionality from the parser to the builders
new toQuery() method analogous to other recent query refactorings.
Relates to #10217
Field names containing dots can cause problems. For example, @jpountz
made this recreation which cause no error, but can result in a
serialization exception if the type already exists:
But this is not just a potential conflict. It also has larger problems,
since only the leaf mapper is created. The intermediate "foo" object
field would not exist if only "" was in the mappings.
This change forbids the use of dots in field names. It also
fixes an issue with passing through the update_all_types setting,
which was always set to true whenever a type already existed (!).
I do not think we should worry about backwards compatibility here. This
should be a hard break (and added to the migration plugin).
This commit adds logic to prefer shards with higher priority
or from newer indicse to be allocated first if they are unallocated post API.
This commit allows users to set `index.priority` to a non-negative integer to
prioritize index recovery for certain indices. This setting is dynamically updateable
and defaults to `0`. If two indices have the same priority this change takes the creation
date into account to prioritize shards from newer indices which is important in the time-based
indices usecase.
When a bulk request fails on a Delete or Update request, the BulkItemResponse
reports incorrect "index" operation in the response. This PR fixes this
for the case of closed indices as reported in #9821 but also for
other failures and adds tests for the two cases covered.
Moving the query building functionality from the parser to the builders
new toQuery() method analogous to other recent query refactorings.
Relates to #10217