We have the default QueryWrapperFilter as well as our custom one while
our wrapper is explicitly marked as no_cache such that it will never
be included in a cache. This was not consistenly used and caused several
problems during tests where p/c related queries were used as filters
and ended up in the cache. This commit adds the QueryWrapperFilter
ctor to the forbidden APIs to enforce the query instance checks.
Note that the standard `atLeast` implementation has now Integer.MAX_VALUE as upper bound, thus it behaves differently from what we expect in our tests, as we never expect the upper bound to be that high.
Added our own `atLeast` to `AbstractRandomizedTest` so that it has the expected behaviour with a reasonable upper bound.
See https://github.com/carrotsearch/randomizedtesting/issues/131
Lucene's RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(Object) is to expensive.
Query size estimation will be enabled when a cheaper way of query size estimation can be found.
Relates to #5339
Today, even though our merge policy doesn't return new merge specs on SEGMENT_FLUSH, merge on the scheduler is still called on flush time, and can cause merges to stall indexing during merges. Both for the concurrent merge scheduler (the default) and the serial merge scheduler. This behavior become worse when throttling kicks in (today at 20mb per sec).
In order to solve it (outside of Lucene for now), we wrap the merge scheduler with an EnableMergeScheduler, where, on the thread level, using a thread local, the call to merge can be enabled/disabled.
A Merges helper class is added where all explicit merges operations should go through. If the scheduler is the enabled one, it will enable merges before calling the relevant explicit method call. In order to make sure Merges is the only class that calls the explicit merge calls, the IW variant of them is added to the forbidden APIs list.
Adds support for storing mustache based query templates that can later be filled
with query parameter values at execution time. Templates may be both quoted,
non-quoted and referencing templates stored in config/scripts/*.mustache by file
See docs/reference/query-dsl/queries/template-query.asciidoc for templating
Implementation detail: mustache itself is being shaded as it depends directly on
guava - so having it marked optional but included in the final distribution
raises chances of version conflicts downstream.
This upgrade includes a fix for RAM estimation on IndexReader
that allows to expose the amount of used bytes per segment now
as a setting in Elasticsearch. (LUCENE-5373)
Additionally this bugfix release contained a small fix for highlighting
that was already ported to Elasticsearch when reported (LUCENE-5361)
We currently run always with SecurityManager installed. To make sure we
work also without we should randomly swap it out ie. run without the
security manager.
We currently pull in the lucene-expression module that is referenced
by lucene-suggest. Yet, we don't make use of this dependency at all
and it pulls in a bunch of unshaded libs like `antlr` and `asm` which
are pretty common in other projects. We should exclude this
dependency since we don't use it at all and it causes problems
when Elasticsearch is used as a node client. (see #4858)
If we mark the dependency as provided it won't be included in the
MockPageCacheRecycler is missing in test jar which makes failing tests when using
test jar in plugins:
1> [2014-01-11 10:51:30,531][ERROR][test ] FAILURE : testWikipediaRiver(org.elasticsearch.river.wikipedia.WikipediaRiverTest)
1> REPRODUCE WITH : mvn test -Dtests.seed=5DAFD4FBAE587363 -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.river.wikipedia.WikipediaRiverTest -Dtests.method=testWikipediaRiver -Dtests.prefix=tests -Dtests.network=true -Dfile.encoding=MacRoman -Duser.timezone=Europe/Paris -Des.logger.level=INFO -Des.node.local=true -Dtests.cluster_seed=134842C2D806FFC0
1> Throwable:
1> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/elasticsearch/cache/recycler/MockPageCacheRecycler
1> org.elasticsearch.test.cache.recycler.MockPageCacheRecyclerModule.configure(MockPageCacheRecyclerModule.java:30)
1> org.elasticsearch.common.inject.AbstractModule.configure(AbstractModule.java:60)
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on docs/*
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on src/* bin/* & pom.xml
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on NOTICE.txt and README.textile
Refactor cache recycling so that it only caches large arrays (pages) that can
later be used to build more complex data-structures such as hash tables.
- QueueRecycler now takes a limit like other non-trivial recyclers.
- New PageCacheRecycler (inspired of CacheRecycler) has the ability to cache
byte[], int[], long[], double[] or Object[] arrays using a fixed amount of
memory (either globally or per-thread depending on the Recycler impl, eg.
queue is global while thread_local is per-thread).
- Paged arrays in o.e.common.util can now optionally take a PageCacheRecycler
to reuse existing pages.
- All aggregators' data-structures now use PageCacheRecycler:
- for all arrays (counts, mins, maxes, ...)
- LongHash can now take a PageCacheRecycler
- there is a new BytesRefHash (inspired from Lucene but quite different,
still; for instance it cheats on BytesRef comparisons by using Unsafe)
that also takes a PageCacheRecycler
Test can be run with `-Dtests.assertion.disabled=org.elasticsearch`
to run the tests without assertions to make sure assertions
don't hide any assignements etc. that introduce bugs in production.
We are mocking out some functionality to add assertions etc. or
randomize store types. We should randomly run with our defaults to make
sure we don't hide any potential problems.
The REST layer can now be tested through tests that are shared between all the elasticsearch official clients.
The tests are based on REST specification that can be found on the elasticsearch-rest-api-spec project and consist of YAML files that describe the operations to be executed and the obtained results that need to be tested.
REST tests can be executed through the ElasticsearchRestTests class, which relies on the rest-spec git submodule that contains the rest spec and tests pulled from the elasticsearch-rest-spec-api project. The rest-spec submodule gets automatically initialized and updated through maven (generate-test-resources phase).
The REST runner and the needed classes are distributed within the test artifact.
The following are the options supported by the REST tests runner:
- tests.rest[true|false|host:port]: determines whether the REST tests need to be run and if so whether to rely on an external cluster (providing host and port) or fire a test cluster (default)
- tests.rest.suite: comma separated paths of the test suites to be run (by default loaded from /rest-spec/test classpath). it is possible to run only a subset of the tests providing a sub-folder or even a single yaml file (the default /rest-spec/test prefix is optional when files are loaded from classpath) e.g. -Dtests.rest.suite=index,get,create/10_with_id
- tests.rest.spec: REST spec path (default /rest-spec/api from classpath)
- tests.iters: runs multiple iterations
- tests.seed: seed to base the random behaviours on
- tests.appendseed[true|false]: enables adding the seed to each test section's description (default false)
- tests.cluster_seed: seed used to create the test cluster (if enabled)
In order to be sure that memory mapped lucene directories are working
one can configure the kernel about how many memory mapped areas
a process may have. This setting ensure for the debian and redhat initscripts
as well as the systemd startup, that this setting is set high enough.
We have the situation that some tests fail since they don't handle
EsRejectedExecutionException which gets thrown when a node shuts
down. That is ok to ignore this exception and not fail.
We also suffer from OOMs that can't create native threads but don't
get threaddumps for those failures. This patch prints the thread
stacks once we catch a OOM which can' create native threads.
The maven-compiler-plugin upgrade from 2.3.2 to 3.1 (see #4279) could cause out of memory issue when building the project with Maven and JDK6 and default memory settings (no `MAVEN_OPTS`).
This issue does not appear with JDK7.