This move the `murmur3` field to the `mapper-murmur3` plugin and fixes its
defaults so that values will not be indexed by default, as the only purpose
of this field is to speed up `cardinality` aggregations on high-cardinality
string fields, which only requires doc values.
I also removed the `rehash` option from the `cardinality` aggregation as it
doesn't bring much value (rehashing is cheap) and allowed to remove the
coupling between the `cardinality` aggregation and the `murmur3` field.
The Plugin interface currently contains 6 different methods for
adding modules. Elasticsearch has 3 different levels of injectors,
and for each of those, there are two methods. The first takes no
arguments and returns a collection of class objects to construct. The
second takes a Settings object and returns a collection of module
objects already constructed. The settings argument is unecessary because
the plugin can already get the settings from its constructor. Removing
that, the only difference between the two versions is returning an
already constructed Module, or a module Class, and there is no reason
the plugin can't construct all their modules themselves.
This change reduces the plugin api down to just 3 methods for adding
modules. Each returns a Collection<Module>. It also removes the
processModule method, which was unnecessary since onModule
implementations fullfill the same requirement. And finally, it renames
the modules() method to nodeModules() so it is clear these are created
once for each node. is a better choice. preferIPv4Stack is a nuclear option
and you just won't even bind to any IPv6 addresses. This reduces confusion.
The restore portion of some snapshot/restore test is failing randomly due to #9421. This change suspends rebalance during snapshot/restore operations until #9421 is fixed.
Plugins can preovide additional settings to be added to the settings
provided in elasticsearch.yml. However, if two different plugins supply
the same setting key, the last one to be loaded wins, which is
indeterminate. This change enforces plugins cannot have conflicting
settings, at startup time. As a followup, we should do this when
installing plugins as well, to give earlier errors when two plugins
Custom repository types are registered through the RepositoriesModule.
Later, when a specific repository type is used, the RespositoryModule
is installed, which in turn would spawn the module that was
registered for that repository type. However, a module is not needed
here. Each repository type has two associated classes, a Repository and
an IndexShardRepository.
This change makes the registration method for custom repository
types take both of these classes, instead of a module.
See #12783.
When elasticsearch is configured by interface (or default: loopback interfaces),
bind to all addresses on the interface rather than an arbitrary one.
If the publish address is not specified, default it from the bound addresses
based on the following sort ordering:
* ipv4/ipv6 (, defaults to true)
* ordinary addresses
* site-local addresses
* link local addresses
* loopback addresses
One one address is published, and multicast is still always over ipv4: these
need to be future improvements.
Squashed commit of the following:
commit 7e60833312f329a5749f9a256b9c1331a956d98f
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 14:45:33 2015 -0400
fix java 7 compilation oops
commit c7b9f3a42058beb061b05c6dd67fd91477fd258a
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 14:24:16 2015 -0400
Cleanup/fix logic around custom resolvers
commit bd7065f1936e14a29c9eb8fe4ecab0ce512ac08e
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 13:29:42 2015 -0400
Add some unit tests for utility methods
commit 0faf71cb0ee9a45462d58af3d1bf214e8a79347c
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 12:11:48 2015 -0400
localhost all the way down
commit e198bb2bc0d1673288b96e07e6e6ad842179978c
Merge: b55d092 b93a75f
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 12:05:02 2015 -0400
Merge branch 'master' into network_cleanup
commit b55d092811d7832bae579c5586e171e9cc1ebe9d
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 12:03:03 2015 -0400
fix docs, fix another bug in multicast (publish host = bad here!)
commit 88c462eb302b30a82585f95413927a5cbb7d54c4
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 11:50:49 2015 -0400
remove nocommit
commit 89547d7b10d68b23d7f24362e1f4782f5e1ca03c
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 11:49:35 2015 -0400
fix http too
commit 9b9413aca8a3f6397b5031831f910791b685e5be
Author: Robert Muir <>
Date: Mon Aug 17 11:06:02 2015 -0400
Fix transport / interface code
Next up: multicast and then http
EsExecutorsTests had a test that was failing spuriously due to threadpools
being threadpools. This weakens the assertions that the test makes to what
should always be true.
In order to have consistent deploys across several repositories,
we should deploy to sonatype first, then mirror those contents,
and then upload to s3.
This means, the aws wagon is not needed anymore.
It might turn out to be useful to have the actual commit hash of the version we are
looking for if our download manager can just redirect to the right staging repository.
mvn has a versions:set plugin, that can be easily invoked and does not
require the python script to parse the files and hope that there are no
other snapshot mentions.
This is purely for maintainance reasons since it easier to see if we can drop
certain stageing urls if we have the version next to the hash.
I also removed the gpg passphrase from the example URL since it's better to get prompted?
This is caused by sending the same file to the chunk handler with offset
`0` which in-turn opens a new outputstream and waits for bytes. But the next round
will send 0 bytes again with offset 0. This commit adds some checks / validators that those
settings are positive byte values and fixes the RecoveryStatus to throw an IAE if the same file
is opened twice.
What is the problem we are trying to solve ?
When we are doing aggregations against a field name as shown in
search = {
"aggs": {
"NAME": {
"terms": {
"field": "ip_str",
"size": 10
and when the field "ip_str" has values of different types in different indices
. say one is of type StringTerms type and other is of IP(LongTerms type) then
the aggregation fails as the types do not match(incompatible).
The failure throws a class cast exception as follows:
"error": {
"root_cause": [],
"type": "reduce_search_phase_exception",
"reason": "[reduce] ",
"phase": "query",
"grouped": true,
"failed_shards": [],
"caused_by": {
"type": "class_cast_exception",
"reason": "$Bucket cannot be cast to$Bucket"
"status": 503
which is hard to understand . User cannot infer anything about the cause of the problem and what he should do from seeing the
class cast exception.
What can be the possible solution ?
Make the exception more readable by showing him the root cause of the problem so that he can
understand which area actually caused the problem, so that he can take necessary steps further.
Code Analysis
Debugging code shows that:
the query /{indices}/_search?search_type=count involves two phases
1) search phase
searchService.sendExecuteQuery(...) [Ref: TransportSearchCountAction]
what happens here ?
the phase 1, which is the search phase goes without error.
In this phase the shards for the given indexes are collected and the search is done on all asynchronously
and finally collected in the variable "firstResults" and given to meger phase.
[Flow: .... -> TransportSearchTypeAction -> method performFirstPhase]
2) merge phase
searchPhaseController.merge(...firstResults...) [Ref: TransportSearchCountAction]
what happens here ?
the "firstresults" QuerySearchResults are now to be aggregated and combined.
[Flow: SearchPhaseController.merge(...) -> ..... -> InternalTerms.doReduce(...)]
the phase 1, which is the search phase goes without error.
The problem comes in phase 2, which is merge phase.
Now the individual term buckets are available.
As per the test case , there are two indices cast and cast2, so by default 10 shards.
cast has ip_str of type StringTerms
cast2 has ip_str of type ip which is actually LongTerms
so here two types of Buckets exist. StringTerms_Bucket and LongTerms_Bucket.
Now the aggregation is to be put inside the BucketPriorityQueue(size 2: as out of 10, 2 has hits) finally.
(docs of PriorityQueue:
Now first the LongTerms$Bucket is put inside.
then the StringTerms$Bucket is to be put in.
This is the area where exception is thrown. What happens is when adding the StringTerms$Bucket now it has to
goes through the code "lessThan(element, heap[1])"
which finally calls
| StringTerms$Bucket.compareTerms(other) <---------------- Area of exception |
| |
where when comparing one to other a type cast is done and it fails as StringTerms$Bucket and LongTerms$Bucket are
Approach to solve:
The best way is to make user understand that the problem is when reducing/merging/aggregating the buckets which came as a result of
querying different shards, so that this will make them infer that the problem is because the values of the fields are of different types.
The message is also user friendly and much better than the indecipherable classcastexception.
The only place to infer correctly that the aggregation has failed is in the place where aggregations take place.
at -> (BucketPriorityQueue)ordered.insertWithOverflow(b);
so here I can throw AggregationExecutionException saying it is because the buckets are of different
But when can I infer at this point that the failure is due to mismatch of types of buckets ???
it can be possible only if at this point it is informed that the problem which occurred deep inside
is due to buckets that were incomparable.
so from just a classCastException we cannot make such a pointed exact inference, because
as class cast exception can be due to a number of scenarios and at a number of places.
so unless we inform the exact problem to InternalTerms it will not be able to infer properly.
so infer the classCastException at the compareTerms function itself that it is a IncomparableTermBucktesTypeException.
This is the best place to infer classCastException as this the place which generated the exception.
Best inference of exceptions can be done only at the source/origin of the exception.
so IncomparableTermBucktesTypeException to InternalTerms-> will make it infer and conclude on why
aggregation failed and give best information to user.
The IndicesModule was made up of two submodules, one which
handled registering queries, and the other for registering
hunspell dictionaries. This change moves those into
IndicesModule. It also adds a new extension point type,
InstanceMap. This is simply a Map<K,V>, where K and V are
actual objects, not classes like most other extension points.
I also added a test method to help testing instance map extensions.
This was particularly painful because of how guice binds the key
and value as separate bindings, and then reconstitutes them
into a Map at injection time. In order to gain access to the
object which links the key and value, I had to tweak our
guice copy to not use an anonymous inner class for the Provider.
Note that I also renamed the existing extension point types, since
they were very redundant. For example, ExtensionPoint.MapExtensionPoint
is now ExtensionPoint.ClassMap.
See #12783.