Modifies the JavaAPI docs related to AggregationBuilder
1."AggregationBuilder" replaces "AggregatorBuilder" in docs/java-api/aggregations/bucket/iprange-aggregation.asciidoc
2."GeoBoundsAggregationBuilder" replaces "GeoBoundsBuilder" in docs/java-api/aggregations/metrics/geobounds-aggregation.asciidoc
Closes #28143
2018-01-11 12:59:30 +01:00
Adrien Grand
Add back support for `ip` range aggregations. #17859
This commit adds support for range aggregations on `ip` fields. However it will
only work on 5.x indices.
Closes #17700
2016-05-13 17:22:01 +02:00
David Pilato
[doc] fix outdated java api examples
* QueryBuilders.queryString is now QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery
* DateHistogram.Interval is now DateHistogramInterval
* Refactoring of buckets in aggs
* FilterBuilders has been replaced by QueryBuilders
Closes #9976 .
2015-06-16 09:45:07 +02:00
Colin Goodheart-Smithe
[DOCS] update JAVA API with aggregation changes
The Histogram and Range APIs for the aggregations changed so that there was a common interface between he types of Range/Histogram. This PR reflects that change in the Java API docs
Contributes to #9976
2015-03-05 11:09:49 +00:00
David Pilato
Add java documentation for aggregations
* terms
* range
* global
* filter
* filters
* missing
* nested
* reverse nested
* children
* significant terms
* date range
* ip range
* range
* histogram
* date histogram
* geo distance
* geo hash grid
* min
* max
* sum
* avg
* stats
* extended stats
* value count
* percentiles
* percentile rank
* cardinality
* geo bounds
* top hits
* scripted metric
2014-11-29 19:46:33 +01:00