This change consolidates all the logic for generating a FunctionReference (renamed from
FunctionRef) from several arbitrary constructors to a single static function that is used at
both compile-time and run-time. This increases long-term maintainability as it is much
easier to follow when and how a function reference is being generated. It moves most of
the duplicated logic out of the ECapturingFuncRef, EFuncRef and ELambda nodes and
Def as well.
This modifies Def to use a Map<String, LocalMethod> to look up user-defined methods at runtime
instead of writing constant methodhandles to do the reverse lookup. This creates a consistency
between how LocalMethods are looked up at compile-time and run-time. This consistency will allow
this code to be more maintainable moving forward. This will also allow FunctionReference to be
cleaned up in a follow up PR.
Renames existing methods in PainlessLookup. Adds lookupPainlessClass,
lookupPainlessMethod, and lookupPainlessField to PainlessLookup. This consolidates
the logic necessary to look these things up into a single place and begins the clean up of
some of the nodes that were looking each of these things up individually. This also has
the added benefit of improved consistency in error messaging.
This commit adds a boolean system property, `es.scripting.use_java_time`,
which controls the concrete return type used by doc values within
scripts. The return type of accessing doc values for a date field is
changed to Object, essentially duck typing the type to allow
co-existence during the transition from joda time to java time.
Renames and removes variables from PainlessMethod to follow the new naming
convention. Generates methodtypes at compile-time instead of using a method at run-
time. Moves write method to MethodWriter.
This commit fixes the painless compiler classloader to know about the
classes from the script context. This fixes an issue when a custom
context is used from a plugin which caused a ClassNotFoundException for
the script class and its factory classes.
PainlessMethod was being used as both a method and a constructor, and while there are
similarities, there are also some major differences. This allows the reflection objects to be
stored reducing the number of other pieces of data stored in a PainlessMethod as they are
now redundant. This temporarily increases some of the code in FunctionRef and
PainlessDocGenerator as they now differentiate between constructors and methods, BUT
is also makes the code more maintainable because there aren't checks in several places
anymore to differentiate.
MethodType can be computed at compile-time rather than run-time. This removes the
method that collects MethodType at run-time from a PainlessMethod since is it no longer
Removes the variables name, clazz, and type as they are unnecessary. Renames
staticMembers -> staticFields, members -> fields, getters -> getterMethodHandles, and
setters -> setterMethodHandles.
Implements a static function in PainlessLookupBuilder that contains all the logic related
to Whitelist. PainlessLookupBuilder is available for use in loading from methods beyond
Whitelist now.
This finishes the updating the methods in the PainlessLookupBuilder to the new naming scheme. Mechanical change. Methods include the ones used for copying members in the inheritance hierarchy, calculating shortcuts, and setting the functional interface.
This is largely mechanical change that cleans up the addConstructor, addMethod, and
addFields methods in PainlessLookup. Changes include renamed variables, better error
messages, and some minor code movement to make it more maintainable long term.
* INGEST: Make a few Processors callable by Painless
* Extracted a few stateless String processors as well as the json processor to static methods and whitelisted them in Painless
* provide whitelist from processors plugin
This removes some extraneous naming syntax and makes clear the meaning of certain
naming conventions without ambiguities (stricter) within the lookup package. Purely
mechanical change. Note this does not cover a large portion of the
PainlessLookupBuilder and PainlessLookup yet as there are several more follow up PRs for these incoming.
This change cleans up the addPainlessClass methods by doing the following things:
* Rename many variable names to match the new conventions described in the JavaDocs
for PainlessLookup
* Decouples Whitelist.Class from adding a PainlessClass directly
* Adds a second version of addPainlessClass that is intended for use to add future
defaults in a follow PR
This change also fixes the method and field caches by storing Classes instead of Strings
since it would technically be possible now that the whitelists are extendable to have
different Classes with the same name. It was convenient to add this change together
since some of the new constants are shared.
Note the changes are largely mechanical again where all the code behavior should
remain the same.
This change adds two contexts the execute scripts against:
* SEARCH_SCRIPT: Allows to run scripts in a search script context.
This context is used in `function_score` query's script function,
script fields, script sorting and `terms_set` query.
* FILTER_SCRIPT: Allows to run scripts in a filter script context.
This context is used in the `script` query.
In both contexts a index name needs to be specified and a sample document.
The document is needed to create an in-memory index that the script can
access via the `doc[...]` and other notations. The index name is needed
because a mapping is needed to index the document.
POST /_scripts/painless/_execute
"script": {
"source": "doc['field'].value.length()"
"context" : {
"search_script": {
"document": {
"field": "four"
"index": "my-index"
"result": 4
POST /_scripts/painless/_execute
"script": {
"source": "doc['field'].value.length() <= params.max_length",
"params": {
"max_length": 4
"context" : {
"filter_script": {
"document": {
"field": "four"
"index": "my-index"
"result": true
Also changed PainlessExecuteAction.TransportAction to use TransportSingleShardAction
instead of HandledAction, because now in case score or filter contexts are used
the request needs to be redirected to a node that has an active IndexService
for the index being referenced (a node with a shard copy for that index).
Several pieces of data in PainlessClass cannot be passed in at the time the
PainlessClass is created so it must be "frozen" after all the data is collected. This means
PainlessClass is currently serving two functions as both a builder and a set of data. This
separates the two pieces into clearly distinct values.
This change also removes the PainlessMethodKey in favor of a simple String. The goal is
to have the painless method key be completely internal to the PainlessLookup eventually
and this simplifies the way there. Note that this was added since PainlessClass and
PainlessClassBuilder were already being changed instead of a follow up PR.
When building the PainlessMethods and PainlessFields they stored a reference to a
PainlessClass. This reference was prior to "freezing" the PainlessClass so the data was
both incomplete and mutable. This has been replaced with a target java class instead
since the PainlessClass is accessible through a java class now and it requires no special
modifications to get around a chicken and egg issue.
The "source" field in SSource seems unused. If removed, it can also be removed
from the ctor, which in turn makes is possible to delete the sourceText in the
Walker class.
* Cleanup Duplication in `PainlessScriptEngine`
* Extract duplicate building of compiler settings to method
* Remove dead method params + dead constant in `ScriptProcessor`
Create lookup package
rename Definition to PainlessLookup and move to lookup package
rename Definition.Method to PainlessMethod
rename Definition.MethodKey to PainlessMethod
rename Definition.Field to PainlessField
rename Definition.Struct to PainlessClass
rename Definition.Cast to PainlessCast
rename Whitelist.Struct to WhitelistClass
rename Whitelist.Constructor to WhitelistConstructor
rename Whitelist.Method to WhitelistMethod
rename Whitelist.Field to WhitelistField
This completes the removal of Painless Type. The new data structures in the definition are a map of names (String) to Java Classes and a map of Java Classes to Painless Structs. The names to Java Classes map can contain a 2 to 1 ratio of names to classes depending on whether or not a short (imported) name is used. The Java Classes to Painless Structs is 1 to 1 always where the Java Class name must match the Painless Struct name. This should lead a significantly simpler type system in Painless moving forward since the Painless Type only held redundant information since Painless does not support generics.
TransportAction currently contains 2 doExecute methods, one which takes
a the task, and one that does not. The latter is what some subclasses
implement, while the first one just calls the latter, dropping the given
task. This commit combines these methods, in favor of just always
assuming a task is present.
Most transport actions don't need the node ThreadPool. This commit
removes the ThreadPool as a super constructor parameter for
TransportAction. The actions that do need the thread pool then have a
member added to keep it from their own constructor.
Most transport actions don't need to resolve index names. This commit
removes the index name resolver as a super constructor parameter for
TransportAction. The actions that do need the resolver then have a
member added to keep the resolver from their own constructor.
Since #30966, Action no longer has anything but a call to the
GenericAction super constructor. This commit renames GenericAction
into Action, thus eliminating the Action class. Additionally, this
commit removes the Request generic parameter of the class, since
it was unused.
This commit removes the RequestBuilder generic type from Action. It was
needed to be used by the newRequest method, which in turn was used by
client.prepareExecute. Both of these methods are now removed, along with
the existing users of prepareExecute constructing the appropriate
builder directly.
The getDate() and getDates() existed prior to 5.x on long fields in
scripting. In 5.x, a new Date type for ScriptDocValues was added. The
getDate() and getDates() methods were left on long fields and added to date
fields to ease the transition. This commit removes those methods for
This pipeline aggregation gives the user the ability to script functions that "move" across a window
of data, instead of single data points. It is the scripted version of MovingAvg pipeline agg.
Through custom script contexts, we expose a number of convenience methods:
- MovingFunctions.max()
- MovingFunctions.min()
- MovingFunctions.sum()
- MovingFunctions.unweightedAvg()
- MovingFunctions.linearWeightedAvg()
- MovingFunctions.ewma()
- MovingFunctions.holt()
- MovingFunctions.holtWinters()
- MovingFunctions.stdDev()
The user can also define any arbitrary logic via their own scripting, or combine with the above methods.
Added an api that allows to execute an arbitrary script and a result to be returned.
POST /_scripts/painless/_execute
"script": {
"source": "params.var1 / params.var2",
"params": {
"var1": 1,
"var2": 1
Relates to #27875
This allows the grammar to determine when and what delimiters statements will use by
splitting up the statements into regular statements and delimited statements, those that do
not require a delimiter versus those that do. This allows consumers of the statements to
determine what delimiters the statements will use so that in certain cases semicolons are
not necessary like when there's a closing right bracket.
This change removes the need for semicolon insertion in the lexer, simplifying the existing
lexer quite a bit. It also ensures that there isn't a need to track semicolons being inserted
into places that aren't necessary such as array initializers.
The initializer and afterthought were not having their types
appropriately cast which is necessary with expressions which in turn
caused values to be popped off the stack that were null.