This bug would cause a VerifyError when scripts using the === operator
were comparing a def type against a primitive type since the primitive
type wasn't being appropriately boxed.
NOTE: The result of `?.` and `?:` can't be assigned to primitives. So
`int[] someArray = null; int l = someArray?.length` and
`int s = params.size ?: 100` don't work. Do
`def someArray = null; def l = someArray?.length` and
`def s = params.size ?: 100` instead.
Relates to #21748
You can use `Debug.explain(someObject)` in painless to throw an
`Error` that can't be caught by painless code and contains an
object's class. This is useful because painless's sandbox doesn't
allow you to call `someObject.getClass()`.
This should make debugging painless' analysis and code generation a
little easier.
The `toString` implementations mirror the AST somewhat, and look like
`(SSource (SReturn (ENumeric 1)))`.
Implements a null coalescing operator in painless that looks like `?:`. This form was chosen to emulate Groovy's `?:` operator. It is different in that it only coalesces null values, instead of Groovy's `?:` operator which coalesces all falsy values. I believe that makes it the same as Kotlin's `?:` operator. In other languages this operator looks like `??` (C#) and `COALESCE` (SQL) and `:-` (bash).
This operator is lazy, meaning the right hand side is only evaluated at all if the left hand side is null.
This adds support to painless for decimal constants with trailing `d` or
`D` to make it compatible with Java. It already supported integer
constants with a trailing `d` or `D` but this adds tests for it.
In painless we prefer explicit types over implicit ones whereas
groovy is the other way around. Take this groovy code:
> 86400000.class
> 864000000000.class
Painless accepts `86400000` just fine because that is a valid `int`
in the jvm. It rejects `864000000000` as an invlid `int` constant
because, in painless as in java, `long` constants always end in `L`
or `l`.
To ease the transition from groovy to painless, this changes the
compilation error returned from these invalid constants from:
Invalid int constant [864000000000].
Invalid int constant [864000000000]. If you want a long constant then change it to [864000000000L].
Inspired by #21313
Null safe dereferences make handling null or missing values shorter.
Compare without:
if (ctx._source.missing != null && != null) {
ctx._source.foo_length =
To with:
Integer length = ctx._source.missing?.foo?.length();
if (length != null) {
ctx._source.foo_length = length
Combining this with the as of yet unimplemented elvis operator allows
for very concise defaults for nulls:
ctx._source.foo_length = ctx._source.missing?.foo?.length() ?: 0;
Since you have to start somewhere, we started with null safe dereferenes.
Anyway, this is a feature borrowed from groovy. Groovy allows writing to
null values like:
def v = null
v?.field = 'cat'
And the writes are simply ignored. Painless doesn't support this at this
point because it'd be complex to implement and maybe not all that useful.
There is no runtime cost for this feature if it is not used. When it is
used we implement it fairly efficiently, adding a jump rather than a
temporary variable.
This should also work fairly well with doc values.
At one point in the past when moving out the rest tests from core to
their own subproject, we had multiple test classes which evenly split up
the tests to run. However, we simplified this and went back to a single
test runner to have better reproduceability in tests. This change
removes the remnants of that multiplexing support.
Java 9's exception message when lists have an out of bounds index
is much better than java 8 but the painless code asserted on the
java 8 message. Now it'll accept either.
I'm tempted to weaken the assertion but I like asserting that the
message is readable.
Adds support for indexing into lists and arrays with negative
indexes meaning "counting from the back". So for if
`x = ["cat", "dog", "chicken"]` then `x[-1] == "chicken"`.
This adds an extra branch to every array and list access but
some performance testing makes it look like the branch predictor
successfully predicts the branch every time so there isn't a
in execution time for this feature when the index is positive.
When the index is negative performance testing showed the runtime
is the same as writing `x[x.length - 1]`, again, presumably thanks
to the branch predictor.
Those performance metrics were calculated for lists and arrays but
`def`s get roughly the same treatment though instead of inlining
the test they need to make a invoke dynamic so we don't screw up
* Scripting: Add support for booleans in scripts
Since 2.0, booleans have been represented as numeric fields (longs).
However, in scripts, this is odd, since you expect doing a comparison
against a boolean to work. While languages like groovy will auto convert
between booleans and longs, painless does not.
This changes the doc values accessor for boolean fields in scripts to
return Boolean objects instead of Long objects.
* Make Booleans final and remove wrapping of `this` for getValues()
Some objects like maps, iterables or arrays of objects can self-reference themselves. This is mostly due to a bug in code but the XContentBuilder should be able to detect such situations and throws an IllegalArgumentException instead of building objects over and over until a stackoverflow occurs.
Update scripts might want to update the documents `_timestamp` but need a notion of `now()`.
Painless doesn't support any notion of now() since it would make scripts non-pure functions. Yet,
in the update case this is a valid value and we can pass it with the context together to allow the
script to record the timestamp the document was updated.
Relates to #17895
When compiling many dynamically changing scripts, parameterized
scripts (<>)
should be preferred. This enforces a limit to the number of scripts that
can be compiled within a minute. A new dynamic setting is added -
`script.max_compilations_per_minute`, which defaults to 15.
If more dynamic scripts are sent, a user will get the following
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"type" : "search_phase_execution_exception",
"reason" : "all shards failed",
"phase" : "query",
"grouped" : true,
"failed_shards" : [
"shard" : 0,
"index" : "i",
"node" : "a5V1eXcZRYiIk8lecjZ4Jw",
"reason" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "general_script_exception",
"reason" : "Failed to compile inline script [\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"] using lang [painless]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "circuit_breaking_exception",
"reason" : "[script] Too many dynamic script compilations within one minute, max: [15/min]; please use on-disk, indexed, or scripts with parameters instead",
"bytes_wanted" : 0,
"bytes_limit" : 0
"status" : 500
This also fixes a bug in `ScriptService` where requests being executed
concurrently on a single node could cause a script to be compiled
multiple times (many in the case of a powerful node with many shards)
due to no synchronization between checking the cache and compiling the
script. There is now synchronization so that a script being compiled
will only be compiled once regardless of the number of concurrent
searches on a node.
Relates to #19396
GeoDistance is implemented using a crazy enum that causes issues with the scripting modules. This commit moves all distance calculations to arcDistance and planeDistance static methods in GeoUtils. It also removes unnecessary distance helper methods from ScriptDocValues.GeoPoints.
This makes it obvious that these tests are for running the client yaml
suites. Now that there are other ways of running tests using the REST
client against a running cluster we can't go on calling the shared
client yaml tests "REST tests". They are rest tests, but they aren't
**the** rest tests.
This adds a header that looks like `Location: /test/test/1` to the
response for the index/create/update API. The requirement for the header
comes from claims that relative
URIs are OK. So we use an absolute path which should resolve to the
appropriate location.
This makes large changes to our rest test infrastructure, allowing us
to write junit tests that test a running cluster via the rest client.
It does this by splitting ESRestTestCase into two classes:
* ESRestTestCase is the superclass of all tests that use the rest client
to interact with a running cluster.
* ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase is the superclass of all tests that use the
rest client to run the yaml tests. These tests are shared across all
official clients, thus the `ClientYamlSuite` part of the name.
These are useful methods in groovy that give you control over
the replacements used:
'the quick brown fox'.replaceAll(/[aeiou]/,
m ->