The pid dir for both systemd and init.d is already managed by those
respective systems (tmpfiles.d and the init script, respectively). Since
the /var/run dir is often mounted as tmpfs, it does not make sense to
have the elasticsearch pid dir added by the package installation. This
commit removes that empty dir from deb and rpm.
* Bundle java in distributions
Setting up a jdk is currently a required external step when installing
elasticsearch. This is particularly problematic for the rpm/deb packages
as installing a jdk in the same package installation command does not
guarantee any order, so must be done in separate steps. Additionally,
JAVA_HOME must be set and often causes problems in selecting a correct
jdk when, for example, the system java is an older unsupported version.
This commit bundles platform specific openjdks into each distribution.
In addition to eliminating the issues above, it also presents future
possible improvements like using jlink to build jdk images only
containing modules that elasticsearch uses.
Finding java on the path is sometimes confusing for users and
unexpected, as well as leading to a different java being used than a
user expects. This commit adds warning messages when starting
elasticsearch (or any tools like the plugin cli) and using java found
on the PATH instead of via JAVA_HOME.
This commit adds classifiers to the distributions indicating the
OS (for archives) and platform. The current OSes are for windows, darwin (ie
macos) and linux. This change will allow future OS/architecture specific
changes to the distributions. Note the docs using distribution links
have been updated, but will be reworked in a followup to make OS
specific instructions for the archives.
elasticsearch-node tool helps to restore cluster if half or more of
master eligible nodes are lost. Of course, all bets are off, regarding
data consistency.
There are two parts of the tool: unsafe-bootstrap to be used when there
is still at least one master-eligible node alive and detach-cluster,
when there are no master-eligible nodes left.
This commit implements the first part.
Docs for the tool will be added separately as a part of #37812.
This commit removes permission editing commands from the postinst
scriptlet. Instead, we now fully configure the owner/group (as well as
sticky bit) for these files and directories.
If `dpkg` fails, try and look for who has `/var/lib/dpkg/lock` open. If
it exists and is open then return a failure with information about who
has file open. This should help us debug #33762.
#32281 adds elasticsearch-shard to provide bwc version of elasticsearch-translog for 6.x; have to remove elasticsearch-translog for 7.0
Relates to #31389
This commit adds setting the homedir for the elasticsearch user to the
adduser command in the packaging preinstall script. While the
elasticsearch user is a system user, it is sometimes conventient to have
an existing homedir (even if it is not writeable). For example, running
cron as the elasticsearch user will try to change dir to the homedir.
The packaging tests for Debian based distro is loooking
for docs in /usr/share/elasticsearch, but it should be
/usr/share/elasticsearch-oss for the oss package.
This commit makes x-pack a module and adds it to the default
distrubtion. It also creates distributions for zip, tar, deb and rpm
which contain only oss code.
This commit removes the ability to specify that a plugin requires the
keystore and instead creates the keystore on package installation or
when Elasticsearch is started for the first time. The reason that we opt
to create the keystore on package installation is to ensure that the
keystore has the correct permissions (the package installation scripts
run as root as opposed to Elasticsearch running as the elasticsearch
user) and to enable removing the keystore on package removal if the
keystore is not modified.
When creating the keystore explicitly (from executing
elasticsearch-keystore create) or implicitly (for plugins that require
the keystore to be created on install) on an Elasticsearch package
installation, we are running as the root user. This leaves
/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.keystore having the wrong ownership
(root:root) so that the elasticsearch user can not read the keystore on
startup. This commit adds setgid to /etc/elasticsearch on package
installation so that when executing this directory (as we would when
creating the keystore), we will end up with the correct ownership
(root:elasticsearch). Additionally, we set the permissions on the
keystore to be 660 so that the elasticsearch user via its group can read
this file on startup.
Relates #26412
This commit introduces the elasticsearch-env script. The purpose of this
script is threefold:
- vastly simplify the various scripts used in Elasticsearch
- provide a script that can be included in other scripts in the
Elasticsearch ecosystem (e.g., plugins)
- correctly establish the environment for all scripts (e.g., so that
users can run `elasticsearch-keystore` from a package distribution
without having to worry about setting `CONF_DIR` first, otherwise the
keystore would be created in the wrong location)
Relates #25815
The bats tests are descructive and must be run as root. This is a
horrible combination on any sane system but perfectly fine to do
in a VM. This change modifies the tests so they revuse to start
unless they are in an environment with an `/etc/is_vagrant_vm`
file. The Vagrantfile creates it on startup.
This commit changes the current :elactisearch:qa:vagrant build file and transforms it into a Gradle plugin in order to reuse it in other projects.
Most of the code from the build.gradle file has been moved into the VagrantTestPlugin class. To avoid duplicated VMs when running vagrant tests, the Gradle plugin sets the following environment variables before running vagrant commands:
VAGRANT_CWD: absolute path to the folder that contains the Vagrantfile
VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR: absolute path to the Gradle project that use the VagrantTestPlugin
The VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR is used to share project folders and files with the vagrant VM. These folders and files are exported when running the task `gradle vagrantSetUp` which:
- collects all project archives dependencies and copies them into `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`
- copy all project bats testing files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/tests' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests`
- copy all project bats utils files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/utils' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils`
It is also possible to inherit and grab the archives/tests/utils files from project dependencies using the plugin configuration:
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.vagrant'
esvagrant {
inheritTestUtils true|false
inheritTestArchives true|false
inheritTests true|false
dependencies {
// Inherit Bats test utils from :qa:vagrant project
bats project(path: ':qa:vagrant', configuration: 'bats')
The folders `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`, `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests` and `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils` are then exported to the vagrant VMs and mapped to the BATS_ARCHIVES, BATS_TESTS and BATS_UTILS environnement variables.
The following Gradle tasks have also be renamed:
* gradle vagrantSetUp
This task copies all the necessary files to the project build directory (was `prepareTestRoot`)
* gradle vagrantSmokeTest
This task starts the VMs and echoes a "Hello world" within each VM (was: `smokeTest`)