Deprecation logger was filtering log entries by key, that means that if two log messages with the same key are logged from different users, then the second log messages will be filtered.
This change allows to log deprecation message with the same key by different users.
relates #41354
backport #44587
This is a refactor to current JSON logging to make it more open for extensions
and support for custom ES log messages used inDeprecationLogger IndexingSlowLog , SearchSLowLog
We want to include x-opaque-id in deprecation logs. The easiest way to have this as an additional JSON field instead of part of the message is to create a custom DeprecatedMessage (extends ESLogMEssage)
These messages are regular log4j messages with a text, but also carry a map of fields which can then populate the log pattern. The logic for this lives in ESJsonLayout and ESMessageFieldConverter.
Similar approach can be used to refactor IndexingSlowLog and SearchSlowLog JSON logs to contain fields previously only present as escaped JSON string in a message field.
backport #41354
In order to support JSON log format, a custom pattern layout was used and its configuration is enclosed in ESJsonLayout. Users are free to use their own patterns, but if smooth Beats integration is needed, they should use ESJsonLayout. EvilLoggerTests are left intact to make sure user's custom log patterns work fine.
To populate additional fields and cluster.uuid which are not available at start time,
a cluster state update will have to be received and the values passed to log4j pattern converter.
A ClusterStateObserver.Listener is used to receive only one ClusteStateUpdate. Once update is received the nodeId and clusterUUid are set in a static field in a NodeAndClusterIdConverter.
Following fields are expected in JSON log lines: type, tiemstamp, level, component,,,, cluster.uuid, message, stacktrace
see for more details and field descriptions
Docker log4j2 configuration is now almost the same as the one use for ES binary.
The only difference is that docker is using console appenders, whereas ES is using file appenders.
relates: #32850