The default number of clients nodes is randomized between 0 and 1, applied to all cluster scopes (global, suite and test). Can be changed through the newly added `@ClusterScope#numClientNodes`.
In our tests we currently refer to nodes in a generic way. All the tests that either stop or start nodes rely on the fact that those nodes hold data though. Made that clearer as that becomes more important when introducing other types of nodes within the test cluster. Reflected this by adapting and renaming the following methods in `TestCluster`:
- ensureAtLeastNumNodes to ensureAtLeastNumDataNodes
- ensureAtMostNumNodes to ensureAtMostNumDataNodes
- stopRandomNode to stopRandomDataNode
and the following ones in `ElasticsearchIntegrationTest`:
- allowNodes to allowDataNodes
- dataNodes to numDataNodes.
- @ClusterScope#numNodes to numDataNodes
- @ClusterScope#minNumNodes to minNumDataNodes
- @ClusterScope#maxNumNodes to maxNumDataNodes
Added facilities to be able to deal with data nodes specifically, like for instance retrieve a client to a data node, or retrieve an instance of a class through guice only from data nodes.
Adapted existing tests to successfully run although there's a node client around.
Fixed _cat/allocation REST tests to make, disk.avail and disk.percent optional as client nodes won't return that info.
Separate version check logic for reads and writes for all version types, which allows different behavior in these cases.
Change `VersionType.EXTERNAL` & `VersionType.EXTERNAL_GTE` to behave the same as `VersionType.INTERNAL` for read operations.
The previous behavior was fit for writes but is useless in reads.
This commit also makes the usage of `EXTERNAL` & `EXTERNAL_GTE` in the update api raise a validation error as it make cause data to
be lost.
Closes#5663 , Closes#5661, Closes#5929
Currently the parser accepts queries like
"query" : {
"any_query": {
The "any_field_name" is silently ignored. However, this also causes the parser
not to move to the next closing bracket which in turn can lead to additional query
paremters being ignored such as "fields", "highlight",...
This was the case in issue #4895
closes issue #4895
This is a fix for a bug whereby a cluster that has no nodes started with
-Des.node.bench=true will cause clients to hang if they attempt to
submit a benchmark.
Also adds REST tests to validate fix
ElasticsearchRestTests extends now ElasticsearchIntegrationTest and makes use of our ordinary test infrastructure, in particular all randomized aspects now come for free instead of having to maintain a separate (custom) tests runner
We previously parsed only the tests that needed to be run given the version of the cluster the tests are running against. This doesn't happen anymore as it didn't buy much and it would be harder to support as the tests get now parsed before the test cluster gets started. Thus all the tests are now parsed regardless of their skip sections, afterwards the ones that don't need to be run will be skipped through assume directives.
Fixed REST tests that rely on a specific number of shards as this change introduces also random number of shards and replicas (through randomIndexTemplate)
The default precision was way too exact and could lead people to
think that geo context suggestions are not working. This patch now
requires you to set the precision in the mapping, as elasticsearch itself
can never tell exactly, what the required precision for the users
suggestions are.
A bunch of minor fixes have been included here, especially due
to wrongly parsed mappings. Also using assertions resulted in an
NPE because they were disabled in the distribution.
Some tests disable refresh and verify that documents cannot be found without an explicit refresh. With at least one replica and waiting for yellow though, it can happen that we start indexing docs when the replicas are not ready yet, and as soon as they become ready they get refreshed, causing the newly added docs to be unexpectedly found. Solution is to disable replicas for these specific tests.
The default mustache engine was using HTML escaping which breaks queries
if used with JSON etc. This commit adds escaping for:
\b Backspace (ascii code 08)
\f Form feed (ascii code 0C)
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
\v Vertical tab
\" Double quote
\\ Backslash
Adds a new API endpoint at /_recovery as well as to the Java API. The
recovery API allows one to see the recovery status of all shards in the
cluster. It will report on percent complete, recovery type, and which
files are copied.
The clients return an exception in case of failure and not the whole json response containing failures, thus this tests can only work with the Java REST tests runner
Adds support for storing mustache based query templates that can later be filled
with query parameter values at execution time. Templates may be both quoted,
non-quoted and referencing templates stored in config/scripts/*.mustache by file
See docs/reference/query-dsl/queries/template-query.asciidoc for templating
Implementation detail: mustache itself is being shaded as it depends directly on
guava - so having it marked optional but included in the final distribution
raises chances of version conflicts downstream.
It is now possible to specify aliases during index creation:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/test' -d '
"aliases" : {
"alias1" : {},
"alias2" : {
"filter" : { "term" : {"field":"value"}}