* Default ShardsAllocator is set to BalancedShardsAllocator
* Core ShardsAllocator implementations can be defined via 'cluster.routing.allocation.type'
* Core ShardsAllocator implementations are exposed via short keys 'balanced' (BalancedShardsAllocator) and 'even_shards' (EvenShardsCountAllocator)
* Third party allocators can be loaded via fully-qualified class names.
* Weights are calculated per index and incorporate index level, global and primary related parameters
* Balance operations are executed based on a win maximation strategy that tries to relocate shards
first that offer the biggest gain towards the weight functions optimum
* The WeightFunction allows settings to prefer index based balance over global balance and vice versa
* Balance operations can be throttled by raising a threshold resulting in less agressive balance operations
* WeightFunction shipps with defaults to achive evenly distributed indexes while maintaining a global balance
we need to in order to properly handle bytes, and normalize Integer to Long for example for consistency, the fact that mappers now handle different Objtes help here
Closes: #646
- Introduced HunspellService which holds a repository of hunspell dictionaries
- It is possible to register a dictionary via a plugin or by placing the dictionary files on the file system
Added score support to `has_child` and `has_parent` queries. Both queries support a score_type option. The has_child support the same options as the top_children query and the none option which is the default and yields the current behaviour. The has_parent query support the score type options: score and none. The latter is the default and yields the current behaviour.
If the score_type is set to a value other than none then the has_parent query map the matched parent score into the related children documents. The has_child query then map the matched children documents into the related parent document. The score_type on both queries defines how the children documents scores are mapped in the parent documents. Both queries are executed in two phases. First phase collects the parent uid values of matching documents with an aggregated score per parent uid value. In the second phase either child or parent typed documents are emitted as hit that have the same parent uid value as found during the first phase. The score computed in the first phase will be used as score.
Fixed error with the top_children query when `DFS_QUERY_*` is used as search_type and wraps a query that gets rewritten (E.g wildcard query).