This commit removes the update action and renames the create action to index.
It also hides the Alert objects behind the interface rather than exposing them.
This means that all interactions should be via BytesReferences.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@87ac377d3e
* Reduce needed code to index Alert and AlertActionEntry
* Added scroll for loading action needed alert action entries
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@a7b790ecc4
This commit :
1. Ensures an alert will run even if the lastFireTime is null (first time we see an alert)
2. Removes the incorrect license that existed in some of the files.
3. Cuts the BasicTest over to use the AlertsClient and deletes the alert at the end of the test
to prevent it running in a race condition.
4. Moves the execute method signatures in AlertsClient to be on a single line.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@9c3aec0127
This commit fixes the test and tests to make sure the alert we get back from
the alertsstore isn't null in execute alert since it may have been deleted.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@7a57dd090a
This change adds the AlertActionManager and AlertActionEntry. The old AlertActionManager has become the AlertActionRegistry.
This means that now the results of Alerts are queued up in a job queue and executed in separate threads.
The AlertActionManager is a composite member of the AlertManager.
Change the BasicTest to just run on a single node to fix the action registration if the action happens on a different node.
Threads are not directly constructed but now the threadpool is used.
The ClusterStateListener in AlertManager is responsible now for starting the job queue.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@a73c6b60f8
* Using cluster state listener to clear alerts when .alerts index is removed. (when running on multiple nodes the .alerts index is scattered so indices listener doesn't work).
* Remove the starting / loading thread and move the initial loading to cluster state listener.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@b8f41db2ea
* Made use of IndicesLifecycle, to catch when the .alerts index gets deleted, so we can clear the alerts
* Moved to concurrent hashmap in favour over normal hashmap with synchronized blocks
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@5599d01c78
This commit renames the alerting package to alerts and will create the
alerts index on addAlert if needed.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@7cd691bd9b
On alert claim time, query index to make sure alert is still valid and enabled and is the same alert.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@72b816b7d1
This commit adds support for disabling alerts.
This commit adds preliminary support for scripted triggers.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@e14a56dbeb
This commit contains fixes to the IndexAlertAction and normalizes the serialization of
Alerts using ToXContent interface.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@47325bdd01
This commit add functionality so that multiple nodes running alert plugins won't stand on
each other trying to run the same alerts at the same time.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@9c350c0114
This commit adds timestamp clamping on the timeperiod to alerting.
Also adds index setting on alerts.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@222cd6eaef
This commit adds parsing of the triggers and actions, and allows alerts to be restricted to indices.
Original commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@44a6a51b17