This change adds a new "filter_path" parameter that can be used to filter and reduce the responses returned by the REST API of elasticsearch.
For example, returning only the shards that failed to be optimized:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/beer/_optimize?filter_path=_shards.failed'
It supports multiple filters (separated by a comma):
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_mapping?pretty&filter_path=*.mappings.*,*.mappings.*.properties.title'
It also supports the YAML response format. Here it returns only the `_id` field of a newly indexed document:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/library/book?filter_path=_id' -d '---hello:\n world: 1\n'
_id: "AU0j64-b-stVfkvus5-A"
It also supports wildcards. Here it returns only the host name of every nodes in the cluster:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes/stats?filter_path=nodes.*.host*'
And "**" can be used to include sub fields without knowing the exact path. Here it returns only the Lucene version of every segment:
curl 'http://localhost:9200/_segments?pretty&filter_path=indices.**.version'
"indices" : {
"beer" : {
"shards" : {
"0" : [ {
"segments" : {
"_0" : {
"version" : "5.2.0"
"_1" : {
"version" : "5.2.0"
} ]
Note that elasticsearch sometimes returns directly the raw value of a field, like the _source field. If you want to filter _source fields, you should consider combining the already existing _source parameter (see Get API for more details) with the filter_path parameter like this:
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search?pretty&filter_path=hits.hits._source&_source=title'
"hits" : {
"hits" : [ {
"_source":{"title":"Book #2"}
}, {
"_source":{"title":"Book #1"}
}, {
"_source":{"title":"Book #3"}
} ]
#10032 introduced the notion of sealing an index by marking it with a special read only marker, allowing for a couple of optimization to happen. The most important one was to speed up recoveries of shards where we know nothing has changed since they were online by skipping the file based sync phase. During the implementation we came up with a light notion which achieves the same recovery benefits but without the read only aspects which we dubbed synced flush. The fact that it was light weight and didn't put the index in read only mode, allowed us to do it automatically in the background which has great advantage. However we also felt the need to allow users to manually trigger this operation.
The implementation at #11179 added the sync flush internal logic and the manual (rest) rest API. The name of the API was modeled after the sealing terminology which may end up being confusing. This commit changes the API name to match the internal synced flush naming, namely `{index}/_flush/synced'.
On top of that it contains a couple other changes:
- Remove all java client API. This feature is not supposed to be called programtically by applications but rather by admins.
- Improve rest responses making structure similar to other (flush) API
- Change IndexShard#getOperationsCount to exclude the internal +1 on open shard . it's confusing to get 1 while there are actually no ongoing operations
- Some minor other clean ups
This option is broken currently since it potentially interprets an incoming
binary value as compressed while it just happens that the first bytes are the
same as the LZF header.
Mappings conflicts should not be ignored. If I read the history correctly, this
option was added when a mapping update to an existing field was considered a
conflict, even if the new mapping was exactly the same. Now that mapping updates
are smart enough to detect conflicting options, we don't need an option to
ignore conflicts.
The default `false` for `require_field_match` is a bit odd and confusing for users, given that field names get ignored by default and every field gets highlighted if it contains terms extracted out of the query, regardless of which fields were queries. Changed the default to `true`, it can always be changed per request.
Our own fork of the lucene PostingsHighlighter is not easy to maintain and doesn't give us any added value at this point. In particular, it was introduced to support the require_field_match option and discrete per value highlighting, used in case one wants to highlight the whole content of a field, but get back one snippet per value. These two features won't
make it into lucene as they slow things down and shouldn't have been supported from day one on our end probably.
One other customization we had was support for a wider range of queries via custom rewrite etc. (yet another way to slow
things down), which got added to lucene and works much much better than what we used to do (instead of or rewrite, term
s are pulled out of the automata for multi term queries).
Removing our fork means the following in terms of features:
- dropped support for require_field_match: the postings highlighter will only highlight fields that were queried
- some custom es queries won't be supported anymore, meaning they won't be highlighted. The only one I found up until now is the phrase_prefix. Postings highlighter rewrites against an empty reader to avoid slow operations (like the ones that we were performing with the fork that we are removing here), thus the prefix will not be expanded to any term. What the postings highlighter does instead is pulling the automata out of multi term queries, but this is not supported at the moment with our MultiPhrasePrefixQuery.
Most aggregations (terms, histogram, stats, percentiles, geohash-grid) now
support a new `missing` option which defines the value to consider when a
field does not have a value. This can be handy if you eg. want a terms
aggregation to handle the same way documents that have "N/A" or no value
for a `tag` field.
This works in a very similar way to the `missing` option on the `sort`
One known issue is that this option sometimes cannot make the right decision
in the unmapped case: it needs to replace all values with the `missing` value
but might not know what kind of values source should be produced (numerics,
strings, geo points?). For this reason, we might want to add an `unmapped_type`
option in the future like we did for sorting.
Related to #5324
Previously, collate feature would be executed on all shards of an index using the client,
this leads to a deadlock when concurrent collate requests are run from the _search API,
due to the fact that both the external request and internal collate requests use the
same search threadpool.
As phrase suggestions are generated from the terms of the local shard, in most cases the
generated suggestion, which does not yield a hit for the collate query on the local shard
would not yield a hit for collate query on non-local shards.
Instead of using the client for collating suggestions, collate query is executed against
the ContextIndexSearcher. This PR removes the ability to specify a preference for a collate
query, as the collate query is only run on the local shard.
Add methods to operate on multi-valued fields in the expressions language.
Note that users will still not be able to access individual values
within a multi-valued field.
The following methods will be included:
* min
* max
* avg
* median
* count
* sum
Additionally, changes have been made to MultiValueMode to support the
new median method.
These clauses filter the document space without affecting scoring and map to
Lucene's BooleanClause.Occur.FILTER. The `filtered` query is now deprecated and
"filtered": {
"query": { //query },
"filter": { //filter }
should be replaced with
"bool": {
"must": { //query },
"filter": { //filter }
A few meta fields can currently be set within a document's source.
However, the recommended way to set meta fields like this is through
the api, and setting within the document can be a performance trap
(e.g. needing to find _id in order to route the document).
This change removes the ability to set meta fields within
a document source for 2.0+ indexes.
As a follow up to #10870, this removes support for
index templates on disk. It also removes a missed
place still allowing disk based mappings.