We log deprecation events at "WARN", so setting it to `info` means the events
are still logged. It must be set to `error` in order to disable the logging.
Ubuntu 12.04 checks the file permission for /etc/sudoers.d/elasticsearch_vars is mode 0440. This commit adds a `chmod` before the file is used by the `sudo` command.
This failure is due to the fact that we sort on store size, which is cached. So
it might happen that the store size that is taken into account is not the right
one, which makes the indices sorted in the wrong order. This changes the doc
example to sort on the number of docs instead.
In #21348 the command executed to run the packaging tests has been changed to "sudo -E bats ...", forcing all environment variables from the vagrant user to be passed to the `sudo` command. This breaks a test on opensuse-13 (the one where it checks that elasticsearch cannot be started when `java` is not found) because all the PATH from the user is passed to the sudo command.
This commit restores the previous behavior while allowing only necessary testing environment variables to be passed using a /etc/sudoers.d file.
#20960 removed `LocalDiscovery` and we now use `ZenDiscovery` in all our tests. To keep cluster forming fast, we are using a `MockZenPing` implementation which uses static maps to return instant results making master election fast. Currently, we don't set `minimum_master_nodes` causing the occasional split brain when starting multiple nodes concurrently and their pinging is so fast that it misses the fact that one of the node has elected it self master. To solve this, `InternalTestCluster` is modified to behave like a true cluster and manage and set `minimum_master_nodes` correctly with every change to the number of nodes.
Tests that want to manage the settings themselves can opt out using a new `autoMinMasterNodes` parameter to the `ClusterScope` annotation.
Having `min_master_nodes` set means the started node may need to wait for other nodes to be started as well. To combat this, we set `discovery.initial_state_timeout` to `0` and wait for the cluster to form once all node have been started. Also, because a node may wait and ping while other nodes are started, `MockZenPing` is adapted to wait rather than busy-ping.
When processing a mapping updates, the master current creates an `IndexService` and uses its mapper service to do the hard work. However, if the master is also a data node and it already has an instance of `IndexService`, we currently reuse the the `MapperService` of that instance. Sadly, since mapping updates are change the in memory objects, this means that a mapping change that can rejected later on during cluster state publishing will leave a side effect on the index in question, bypassing the cluster state safety mechanism.
This commit removes this optimization and replaces the `IndexService` creation with a direct creation of a `MapperService`.
Also, this fixes an issue multiple from multiple shards for the same field caused unneeded cluster state publishing as the current code always created a new cluster state.
This were discovered while researching #21189
JDK9 removed pathname canonicalization when constructing FilePermission objects, which breaks some of the FilePermissions added by Elasticsearch. This commit adds the system property jdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath which makes JDK9 behave like JDK8 w.r.t. FilePermission objects (see #21534).
This changes adds a test discovery (which internally uses the existing
mock zenping by default). Having the mock the test framework selects be a discovery
greatly simplifies discovery setup (no more weird callback to a Node
Today when a node starts, we create dynamic socket permissions based on
the configured HTTP ports and transport ports. If no ports are
configured, we use the default port ranges. When a tribe node starts, a
tribe node creates an internal node client for connecting to each remote
cluster. If neither an explicit HTTP port nor transport ports were
specified, the default port ranges are large enough for the tribe node
and its internal node clients. If an explicit HTTP port or transport
port was specified for the tribe node, then socket permissions for those
ports will be created, but not for the internal node clients. Whether
the internal node clients have explicit ports specified, or attempt to
bind within the default range, socket permissions for these will not
have been created and the internal node clients will hit a permissions
issue when attempting to bind. This commit addresses this issue by also
accounting for tribe nodes when creating the dynamic socket
permissions. Additionally, we add our first real integration test for
tribe nodes.
Relates #21546
This commit adds an assertion to ensure that we do not introduce blocking calls in code
that is called in a ClusterStateListener or another part of the cluster state update process.
Today when a node starts, we create dynamic socket permissions based on
the configured HTTP ports and transport ports. If no ports are
configured, we use the default port ranges. When a tribe node starts, a
tribe node creates an internal node client for connecting to each remote
cluster. If neither an explicit HTTP port nor transport ports were
specified, the default port ranges are large enough for the tribe node
and its internal node clients. If an explicit HTTP port or transport
port was specified for the tribe node, then socket permissions for those
ports will be created, but not for the internal node clients. Whether
the internal node clients have explicit ports specified, or attempt to
bind within the default range, socket permissions for these will not
have been created and the internal node clients will hit a permissions
issue when attempting to bind. This commit addresses this issue by also
accounting for tribe nodes when creating the dynamic socket
permissions. Additionally, we add our first real integration test for
tribe nodes.
Both exception can be replaced with java built-in exception, IAE and ISE respectively.
This should be back ported partially to 5.x which the transport layer code should be preserved.
Relates to #21494
This commit enables real BWC testing against a 5.1 snapshot. All
REST tests plus rolling upgrade test now run against a mixed version
cross major version cluster.
Adds an assertion that checks that the same shard with same id is not added to same node. Previously we would just silently ignore the second shard being added.
This commit enables real BWC testing against a 5.1 snapshot. All
REST tests plus rolling upgrade test now run against a mixed version
cross major version cluster.
JDK9 removed pathname canonicalization when constructing FilePermission objects, which breaks some of the FilePermissions added by
Elasticsearch. This commit adds the system property jdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath which makes JDK9 behave like JDK8 w.r.t. FilePermissions (see
This commit changes the current :elactisearch:qa:vagrant build file and transforms it into a Gradle plugin in order to reuse it in other projects.
Most of the code from the build.gradle file has been moved into the VagrantTestPlugin class. To avoid duplicated VMs when running vagrant tests, the Gradle plugin sets the following environment variables before running vagrant commands:
VAGRANT_CWD: absolute path to the folder that contains the Vagrantfile
VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR: absolute path to the Gradle project that use the VagrantTestPlugin
The VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR is used to share project folders and files with the vagrant VM. These folders and files are exported when running the task `gradle vagrantSetUp` which:
- collects all project archives dependencies and copies them into `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`
- copy all project bats testing files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/tests' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests`
- copy all project bats utils files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/utils' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils`
It is also possible to inherit and grab the archives/tests/utils files from project dependencies using the plugin configuration:
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.vagrant'
esvagrant {
inheritTestUtils true|false
inheritTestArchives true|false
inheritTests true|false
dependencies {
// Inherit Bats test utils from :qa:vagrant project
bats project(path: ':qa:vagrant', configuration: 'bats')
The folders `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`, `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests` and `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils` are then exported to the vagrant VMs and mapped to the BATS_ARCHIVES, BATS_TESTS and BATS_UTILS environnement variables.
The following Gradle tasks have also be renamed:
* gradle vagrantSetUp
This task copies all the necessary files to the project build directory (was `prepareTestRoot`)
* gradle vagrantSmokeTest
This task starts the VMs and echoes a "Hello world" within each VM (was: `smokeTest`)
This commit changes the current :elactisearch:qa:vagrant build file and transforms it into a Gradle plugin in order to reuse it in other projects.
Most of the code from the build.gradle file has been moved into the VagrantTestPlugin class. To avoid duplicated VMs when running vagrant tests, the Gradle plugin sets the following environment variables before running vagrant commands:
VAGRANT_CWD: absolute path to the folder that contains the Vagrantfile
VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR: absolute path to the Gradle project that use the VagrantTestPlugin
The VAGRANT_PROJECT_DIR is used to share project folders and files with the vagrant VM. These folders and files are exported when running the task `gradle vagrantSetUp` which:
- collects all project archives dependencies and copies them into `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`
- copy all project bats testing files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/tests' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests`
- copy all project bats utils files from 'src/test/resources/packaging/utils' into `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils`
It is also possible to inherit and grab the archives/tests/utils files from project dependencies using the plugin configuration:
apply plugin: 'elasticsearch.vagrant'
esvagrant {
inheritTestUtils true|false
inheritTestArchives true|false
inheritTests true|false
dependencies {
// Inherit Bats test utils from :qa:vagrant project
bats project(path: ':qa:vagrant', configuration: 'bats')
The folders `${project.buildDir}/bats/archives`, `${project.buildDir}/bats/tests` and `${project.buildDir}/bats/utils` are then exported to the vagrant VMs and mapped to the BATS_ARCHIVES, BATS_TESTS and BATS_UTILS environnement variables.
The following Gradle tasks have also be renamed:
* gradle vagrantSetUp
This task copies all the necessary files to the project build directory (was `prepareTestRoot`)
* gradle vagrantSmokeTest
This task starts the VMs and echoes a "Hello world" within each VM (was: `smokeTest`)
With ES 5.0 we do not include Jackson
Databind anymore with ES core. This commit
updates our docs to state that users need
to add this artifact now in their projects.
* master:
Hack around cluster service and logging race
Do not prematurely shutdown Log4j
Support decimal constants with trailing [dD] in painless (#21412)
In painless suggest a long constant if int won't do (#21415)
Account for different paths for sysctl utilities
[TEST] testRebalancePossible() may not have an assigned node id
Tests: Disable merge in SearchCancellationTests
Tests: clean search scroll at the end of SearchCancellationIT
When a cluster update task executes, there can be log messages after the
update task has finished processing and the new cluster state becomes
visible. The visibility of the cluster state allows the test thread in
UpdateSettingsIT#testUpdateAutoThrottleSettings and
UpdateSettingsiT#testUpdateMergeMaxThreadCount to proceed. The test
thread will remove and stop a mock appender setup at the beginning of
the test. The log messages in the cluster state update task that occur
after processing has finished can race with the removal of the
appender. Log4j will grab a reference to the appenders when processing
these log messages, and this races with the removal and stopping of the
appenders. If Log4j grabs a reference to the appenders before the mock
appender has been removed, and the test thread subsequently removes and
stops the appender before Log4j has appended the log message, Log4j will
get angry that we are appending to a stopped appender, causing the test
to fail. This commit addresses this race by waiting for the cluster
state update task to have finished processing before freeing the test
thread to make its assertions and finally remove and stop the
appender. Yes, this is a hack.
Relates #21518
When a node closes, we shutdown logging as the last statement. This
statement must be last lest any subsequent attempts to log will blow up
by running into security permissions. Yet, in the case of a tribe node
this isn't enough. The first internal tribe node to close will shutdown
logging, and subsequent node closes will blow up with the aforementioned
problem. This commit migrate the Log4j shutdown to occur as part of the
shutdown hook that closes the node, after all nodes have
closed. Consequently, we can remove a hack in the test infrastructure to
prevent Log4j shutdowns when internal test nodes close and instead just
register a single shutdown hook that runs when the test JVM exits.
Relates #21519
This adds support to painless for decimal constants with trailing `d` or
`D` to make it compatible with Java. It already supported integer
constants with a trailing `d` or `D` but this adds tests for it.
In painless we prefer explicit types over implicit ones whereas
groovy is the other way around. Take this groovy code:
> 86400000.class
> 864000000000.class
Painless accepts `86400000` just fine because that is a valid `int`
in the jvm. It rejects `864000000000` as an invlid `int` constant
because, in painless as in java, `long` constants always end in `L`
or `l`.
To ease the transition from groovy to painless, this changes the
compilation error returned from these invalid constants from:
Invalid int constant [864000000000].
Invalid int constant [864000000000]. If you want a long constant then change it to [864000000000L].
Inspired by #21313