The PipelineTests tried to test if the configured map/list in set processor wasn't modified while documents were ingested. Creating a pipeline programmatically created more noise than the test needed. The new tests in IngestDocumentTests have the same goal, but is much smaller and clearer by directly testing against IngestDocument.
Rename processor now checks whether the field to rename exists and throws exception if it doesn't. It also checks that the new field to rename to doesn't exist yet, and throws exception otherwise. Also we make sure that the rename operation is atomic, otherwise things may break between the remove and the set and we'd leave the document in an inconsistent state.
Note that the requirement for the new field name to not exist simplifies the usecase for e.g. { "rename" : { "list.1": "list.2"} } as such a rename wouldn't be accepted if list is actually a list given that either list.2 already exists or the index is out of bounds for the existing list. If one really wants to replace an existing field, that field needs to be removed first through remove processor and then rename can be used.
1) It no longer extends from Closeable.
2) Removed the config directory setter. Implementation that relied on it, now get the location to the config dir via their constructors.
When reading, through #getFieldValue and #hasField, and a list is encountered, the next element in the path is treated as the index of the item that the path points to (e.g. `list.0.key`). If the index is not a number or out of bounds, an exception gets thrown.
Added #appendFieldValue method that has the same behaviour as setFieldValue, but when a list is the last element in the path, instead of replacing the whole list it will simply add a new element to the existing list. This method is currently unused, we have to decide whether the set processor or a new processor should use it.
A few other changes made:
- Renamed hasFieldValue to hasField, as this method is not really about values but only keys. It will return true if a key is there but its value is null, while it returns false only when a field is not there at all.
- Changed null semantic in getFieldValue. null gets returned only when it was an actual value in the source, an exception is thrown otherwise when trying to access a non existing field, so that null != field not present.
- Made remove stricter about non existing fields. Throws error when trying to remove a non existing field. This is more consistent with the other methods in IngestDocument which are strict about fields that are not present.
Relates to #14324
Client in PipelineStore gets provided via a guice provider
Processor and Factory throw Exception instead of IOException
Removed PipelineExecutionService.Listener with ActionListener
* Moved PipelineReference to a top level class and named it PipelineDefinition
* Pulled some logic from the crud transport classes to the PipelineStore
* Use IOUtils#close(...) where appropriate
Move ParsedSimulateRequest to SimulatePipelineRequest and remove Parser class in favor of static parse methods.
Simplified execute methods in SimulateExecutionService.
Only MutateProcessor implemented equals / hashcode hence we would only use that one in our tests, since they relied on them. Better to not rely on equals/hashcode, drop them and mock processor/pipeline in our tests that need them. That also allow to make MutateProcessor constructor package private as the other processors.