This move the `murmur3` field to the `mapper-murmur3` plugin and fixes its
defaults so that values will not be indexed by default, as the only purpose
of this field is to speed up `cardinality` aggregations on high-cardinality
string fields, which only requires doc values.
I also removed the `rehash` option from the `cardinality` aggregation as it
doesn't bring much value (rehashing is cheap) and allowed to remove the
coupling between the `cardinality` aggregation and the `murmur3` field.
Due to the limited abilities of parsing of dynamic (not configured) arguments
like `http.cors.enabled`, that dont map to a command line argument but will
become configuration, we need to mention explicitely, that those dynamic arguments
must come last.
Also fixed some mentions of a memory index setting, that does not exist anymore.
In order to ensure, we have the same experience across operating systems
and shells, this commit uses the java CLI parser instead of the shell
getopt parsing to parse arguments.
This also allows for support for paths, which contain spaces.
Also commons-cli depdency was upgraded to 1.3.1 and tests have been added.
* new exit code, OK_AND_EXIT, allowing to tell the caller to exit, as everything
went as expected (e.g. when running a version output)
BWC breaking:
* execute() returns an ExitStatus instead of an integer, otherwise there is no
possibility to signal by a command, if the JVM should be exited after a run.
This affects plugins, that have command line tools
* -v used to be version, but is a verbose flag by default in the current CLI infra,
must be -V or --version now
* -X has been removed - the current implementation was useless anyway, as
it prefixed those properties with "es.". You should use
ES_JAVA_OPTS/JAVA_OPTS for JVM configuration
The TransportSingleCustomOperationAction `prefer_local` option has been removed as it isn't worth the effort.
The TransportSingleShardAction will execute the operation on the receiving node if a concrete list doesn't provide a list of candite shards routings to perform the operation on.
The `_index` field is now a completely virtual field thanks
to #12027. It is no longer necessary to index the actual value
of the index name.
Require urls for URL repository to be listed in repositories.url.allowed_urls setting. This change ensures that only authorized URLs can be accessed by elasticsearch
Plugin Manager can now use another simplified form when a user wants to install an official plugin hosted at elasticsearch download service.
The form we use is:
bin/plugin install pluginname
As plugins share now the same version as elasticsearch, we can automatically guess what is the exact current version of the plugin manager script.
Also, download service will now use `/org.elasticsearch.plugins/pluginName/` URL path to download a plugin.
If the older form is provided (`user/plugin/version` or `user/plugin`), we will still use:
* elasticsearch download service at `/user/plugin/`
* maven central with groupIp=user, artifactId=plugin and version=version
* github with user=user, repoName=plugin and tag=version
* github with user=user, repoName=plugin and branch=master if no version is set
Note that community plugin providers can use other download services by using `--url` option.
If you try to use the new form with a non core elasticsearch plugin, the plugin manager will reject
it and will give you all known core plugins.
-u, --url [plugin location] : Set exact URL to download the plugin from
-i, --install [plugin name] : Downloads and installs listed plugins [*]
-t, --timeout [duration] : Timeout setting: 30s, 1m, 1h... (infinite by default)
-r, --remove [plugin name] : Removes listed plugins
-l, --list : List installed plugins
-v, --verbose : Prints verbose messages
-s, --silent : Run in silent mode
-h, --help : Prints this help message
[*] Plugin name could be:
elasticsearch-plugin-name for Elasticsearch 2.0 Core plugin (download from
elasticsearch/plugin/version for elasticsearch commercial plugins (download from
groupId/artifactId/version for community plugins (download from maven central or oss sonatype)
username/repository for site plugins (download from github master)
Elasticsearch Core plugins:
- elasticsearch-analysis-icu
- elasticsearch-analysis-kuromoji
- elasticsearch-analysis-phonetic
- elasticsearch-analysis-smartcn
- elasticsearch-analysis-stempel
- elasticsearch-cloud-aws
- elasticsearch-cloud-azure
- elasticsearch-cloud-gce
- elasticsearch-delete-by-query
- elasticsearch-lang-javascript
- elasticsearch-lang-python
If you are using the default date or the named identifiers of dates,
the current implementation was allowed to read a year with only one
digit. In order to make this more strict, this fixes a year to be at
least 4 digits. Same applies for month, day, hour, minute, seconds.
Also the new default is `strictDateOptionalTime` for indices created
with Elasticsearch 2.0 or newer.
In addition a couple of not exposed date formats have been exposed, as they
have been mentioned in the documentation.
In order to be backwards compatible, indices created before 2.x must support
indexing of a unix timestamp and its configured date format. Indices created
with 2.x must configure the `epoch_millis` date formatter in order to
support this.
Relates #10971
This is a follow up to #8143 and #6730 for _timestamp. It removes
support for `path`, as well as any field type settings, and
enables docvalues for _timestamp, for 2.0. Users who need to
adjust these settings can use a date field.
This fixes an issue to allow for negative unix timestamps.
An own printer for epochs instead of just having a parser has been added.
Added docs that only 10/13 length unix timestamps are supported
Added docs in upgrade documentation
While we had initially planned to keep rivers around in 2.0 to ease migration,
keeping support for rivers is challenging as it conflicts with other important
changes that we want to bring to 2.0 like synchronous dynamic mappings updates.
Nothing impossible to fix, but it would increase the complexity of how we
deal with dynamic mappings updates and manage rivers, while handling dynamic
mappings updates correctly is important for resiliency and rivers are on the go.
So removing rivers in 2.0 may well be a better trade-off.
The ResourceWatcher used settings prefixed `watcher.`, which
potentially could clash with the watcher plugin.
In order to prevent confusion, the settings have been renamed to
`resource.reload` prefixes.
This also uses the deprecation logging infrastructure introduced
in #11033 to log deprecated settings and their alternative at
There are different ways to register custom query parsers through plugins, a couple of them work per index via index settings, which is probably even too flexible. There also three different ways to add a global custom query parser through either IndicesQueriesModule or IndicesQueriesRegistry. This commit consolidates the registration of custom query parsers via IndicesQueriesModule#addQuery(Class<? extends QueryParser>). The complexity of supporting parsers per index is not needed hence it got removed. Also the other ways of registering global custom parsers are dropped in favour of the one mentioned above.
Some of our meta fields (such as _id, _version, ...) are returned as top-level
properties of the json document, while other properties (_timestamp, _routing,
...) are returned under `fields`. This commit makes all meta fields returned
as top-level properties.
So eg. `GET test/test/1?fields=_timestamp,foo` would now return
"_index": "test",
"_type": "test",
"_id": "1",
"_version": 1,
"_timestamp": 10000000,
"found": true,
"fields": {
"foo": [ "bar" ]
while it used to return
"_index": "test",
"_type": "test",
"_id": "1",
"_version": 1,
"found": true,
"fields": {
"_timestamp": 10000000,
"foo": [ "bar" ]
* Cut the `has_child` and `has_parent` queries over to use Lucene's query time global ordinal join. The main benefit of this change is that parent/child queries can now efficiently execute if parent/child queries are wrapped in a bigger boolean query. If the rest of the query only hit a few documents both has_child and has_parent queries don't need to evaluate all parent or child documents any more.
* Cut the `_parent` field over to use doc values. This significantly reduces the on heap memory footprint of parent/child, because the parent id values are never loaded into memory.
Breaking changes:
* The `type` option on the `_parent` field can only point to a parent type that doesn't exist yet, so this means that an existing type/mapping can't become a parent type any longer.
* The `has_child` and `has_parent` queries can no longer be use in alias filters.
All these changes, improvements and breaks in compatibility only apply for indices created with ES version 2.0 or higher. For indices creates with ES <= 2.0 the older implementation is used.
It is highly recommended to re-index all your indices with parent and child documents to benefit from all the improvements that come with this refactoring. The easiest way to achieve this is by using the scan and bulk apis using a simple script.
The count api used to have its own execution path, although it would do the same (up to bugs!) of the search api. This commit makes it a shortcut to the search api with size set to 0. The change is made in a backwards compatible manner, by leaving all of the java api code around too, given that you may not want to get back a whole SearchResponse when asking only for number of hits matching a query, also cause migrating from countResponse.getCount() to searchResponse.getHits().totalHits() doesn't look great from a user perspective. We can always decide to drop more code around the count api if we want to break backwards compatibility on the java api, making it a shortcut on the rest layer only.
This option is broken currently since it potentially interprets an incoming
binary value as compressed while it just happens that the first bytes are the
same as the LZF header.
Mappings conflicts should not be ignored. If I read the history correctly, this
option was added when a mapping update to an existing field was considered a
conflict, even if the new mapping was exactly the same. Now that mapping updates
are smart enough to detect conflicting options, we don't need an option to
ignore conflicts.
The default `false` for `require_field_match` is a bit odd and confusing for users, given that field names get ignored by default and every field gets highlighted if it contains terms extracted out of the query, regardless of which fields were queries. Changed the default to `true`, it can always be changed per request.
Our own fork of the lucene PostingsHighlighter is not easy to maintain and doesn't give us any added value at this point. In particular, it was introduced to support the require_field_match option and discrete per value highlighting, used in case one wants to highlight the whole content of a field, but get back one snippet per value. These two features won't
make it into lucene as they slow things down and shouldn't have been supported from day one on our end probably.
One other customization we had was support for a wider range of queries via custom rewrite etc. (yet another way to slow
things down), which got added to lucene and works much much better than what we used to do (instead of or rewrite, term
s are pulled out of the automata for multi term queries).
Removing our fork means the following in terms of features:
- dropped support for require_field_match: the postings highlighter will only highlight fields that were queried
- some custom es queries won't be supported anymore, meaning they won't be highlighted. The only one I found up until now is the phrase_prefix. Postings highlighter rewrites against an empty reader to avoid slow operations (like the ones that we were performing with the fork that we are removing here), thus the prefix will not be expanded to any term. What the postings highlighter does instead is pulling the automata out of multi term queries, but this is not supported at the moment with our MultiPhrasePrefixQuery.
These clauses filter the document space without affecting scoring and map to
Lucene's BooleanClause.Occur.FILTER. The `filtered` query is now deprecated and
"filtered": {
"query": { //query },
"filter": { //filter }
should be replaced with
"bool": {
"must": { //query },
"filter": { //filter }
A few meta fields can currently be set within a document's source.
However, the recommended way to set meta fields like this is through
the api, and setting within the document can be a performance trap
(e.g. needing to find _id in order to route the document).
This change removes the ability to set meta fields within
a document source for 2.0+ indexes.
As a follow up to #10870, this removes support for
index templates on disk. It also removes a missed
place still allowing disk based mappings.
This commit makes queries and filters parsed the same way using the
QueryParser abstraction. This allowed to remove duplicate code that we had
for similar queries/filters such as `range`, `prefix` or `term`.