This relates to the effort towards #46250. We added
tracking of the shard generation for successful
snapshots to `8.0`.
This assertion isn't correct though. While an `8.0`
master won't create an entry with sucess state and
a null shard generation it may still (on e.g. master
failover) send a success entry created by a 7.x master
with a `null` generation over the wire.
This changes the queries equals() method so that the boost factors for each term
are considered for the equality calculation. This means queries are only equal
if both their terms and associated boosts match. The ordering of the terms
doesn't matter as before, which is why we internally need to sort the terms and
boost for comparison on the first equals() call like before. Boosts that are
`null` are considered equal to boosts of 1.0f because topLevelQuery() will only
wrap into BoostQuery if boost is not null and different from 1f.
This commit changes the REST API spec slm.get_lifecycle's policy_id url part to be of type "list", in line with other REST API specs that accept a comma-separated list of values.
BytesReference is currently an abstract class which is extended by
various implementations. This makes it very difficult to use the
delegation pattern. The implication of this is that our releasable
BytesReference is a PagedBytesReference type and cannot be used as a
generic releasable bytes reference that delegates to any reference type.
This commit makes BytesReference an interface and introduces an
AbstractBytesReference for common functionality.
The AbstractHlrcWriteableXContentTestCase was replaced by a better test
case a while ago, and this is the last two instances using it. They have
been converted and the test is now deleted.
Ref #39745
This PR makes the following updates:
* Update the supported query types to include `prefix` and `wildcard`.
* Specify that queries accept index aliases.
* Clarify that when querying on a remote index name, the separator `:` must be
This commit removes the randomization used by every execute call in the
high level rest tests. Previously every execute call, which can be many
calls per single test, would rely on a random boolean to determine if
they should use the sync or async methods provided to the execute
method. This commit runs the tests twice, using two different clusters,
both of them providing the value one time via a sysprop. This ensures
that the whole suite of tests is run using the sync and async code
There is a watchdog in order to avoid long running (and expensive)
grok expressions. Currently the watchdog is thread based, threads
that run grok expressions are registered and after completion unregister.
If these threads stay registered for too long then the watch dog interrupts
these threads. Joni (the library that powers grok expressions) has a
mechanism that checks whether the current thread is interrupted and
if so abort the pattern matching.
Newer versions have an additional method to abort long running pattern
matching inside joni. Instead of checking the thread's interrupted flag,
joni now also checks a volatile field that can be set via a `Matcher`
instance. This is more efficient method for aborting long running matches.
(joni checks each 30k iterations whether interrupted flag is set vs.
just checking a volatile field)
Recently we upgraded to a recent joni version (#47374), and this PR
is a followup of that PR.
This change should also fix#43673, since it appears when unit tests
are ran the a test runner thread's interrupted flag may already have
been set, due to some thread reuse.
On data-only nodes we were not using the last persisted cluster state as base point to compute
what needed storage, but the last applied cluster state (but not necessarily properly persisted)
In #48392 we added a second computation of the sizes of the relocating shards
in `canRemain()` but passed the wrong value for `subtractLeavingShards`. This
fixes that. It also removes some unnecessary logging in a test case added in
the same commit.
This is a follow up of where we added
a system property to disallow allocation awareness in search requests. Since search requests
will no longer check the allocation awareness attributes for routing in the next major version,
this change adds a deprecation warning on any setup that uses these attributes.
Relates #43453
We have not seen much adoption of this experimental field type, and don't see a
clear use case as it's currently designed. This PR deprecates the field type in
7.x. It will be removed from 8.0 in a follow-up PR.
Previously there was a bug when an query inside script_score query
was rewritten. If min_score was not set and was equal to null,
we were converting it to float value which resulted to NPE.
This commit corrects this.
Brings handling of out of bounds points in linestrings in line with
points. Now points with latitude above 90 and below -90 are handled
the same way as for points by adjusting the longitude by moving it by
180 degrees.
Relates to #43916
* Do not throw errors on unknown types in SearchAfterBuilder
The support for BigInteger and BigDecimal was added for XContent in However the SearchAfterBuilder
xcontent parser doesn't expect them to be present so it throws an AssertionError.
This change fixes this discrepancy by changing the AssertionError into an
IllegalArgumentException that will not cause the node to die when thrown.
Today it is possible that the total size of all relocating shards exceeds the
total amount of free disk space. For instance, this may be caused by another
user of the same disk increasing their disk usage, or may be due to how
Elasticsearch double-counts relocations that are nearly complete particularly
if there are many concurrent relocations in progress.
The `DiskThresholdDecider` treats negative free space similarly to zero free
space, but it then fails when rendering the messages that explain its decision.
This commit fixes its handling of negative free space.
7.5+ for SLM requires [stats] object to exist in the cluster state.
When doing an in-place upgrade from 7.4 to 7.5+ [stats] does not exist
in cluster state, result in an exception on startup [1].
This commit moves the [stats] to be an optional object in the parser
and if not found will default to an empty stats object.
[1] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Required [stats]
The comment says it needs random-access, but it passes `Long#MAX_VALUE` as the
lead cost, which forces sequential access, it should pass `0` instead. I took
advantage of this fix to improve the logic to leverage an estimation of the
number of times that `Bits#get` gets called to make better decisions.
Reverting the change introducing IsoLocal.ROOT and introducing IsoCalendarDataProvider that defaults start of the week to Monday and requires minimum 4 days in first week of a year. This extension is using java SPI mechanism and defaults for Locale.ROOT only.
It require jvm property java.locale.providers to be set with SPI,COMPAT
backport #48209
This commit changes the test so that each node use a specific
service account and private key. It also changes how unique
request ids are generated for refresh token request using the
token itself, so that error count will be specific per node (each
node should execute a single refresh token request as tokens
are valid for 1 hour).
- Section about the case where the `principal` user property can't
be mapped.
- Section about when the IdP SAML metadata do not contain a
SingleSignOnService that supports HTTP-Redirect binding.
Co-Authored-By: Lisa Cawley <>
Co-Authored-By: Tim Vernum <>
* Always publish a build scan in CI
This PR changes the build scan configuration to alwasy publisha build
scan when running in our CI.
We should alkready be passing these env vars into the Vagrant VM so this
will make it produce a build scan too.
The old properties to accept build scan ToS on the public server are
thus no longer relevant and will be cleaned up from the Jenkins config
once this is merged.
* Pass env vars to vagrant VM
* Enable running in parallel in the VM
* Add job name and build nomber as custom values
This PR changes the PS1 script that starts os tests for the packaging
test matrix to match the bash script we use on Linux in terms of reading
the runtime and build java versions.
Relates to elastic/infra#11593
This change adds a new field `"shards"` to `RepositoryData` that contains a mapping of `IndexId` to a `String[]`. This string array can be accessed by shard id to get the generation of a shard's shard folder (i.e. the `N` in the name of the currently valid `/indices/${indexId}/${shardId}/index-${N}` for the shard in question).
This allows for creating a new snapshot in the shard without doing any LIST operations on the shard's folder. In the case of AWS S3, this saves about 1/3 of the cost for updating an empty shard (see #45736) and removes one out of two remaining potential issues with eventually consistent blob stores (see #38941 ... now only the root `index-${N}` is determined by listing).
Also and equally if not more important, a number of possible failure modes on eventually consistent blob stores like AWS S3 are eliminated by moving all delete operations to the `master` node and moving from incremental naming of shard level index-N to uuid suffixes for these blobs.
This change moves the deleting of the previous shard level `index-${uuid}` blob to the master node instead of the data node allowing for a safe and consistent update of the shard's generation in the `RepositoryData` by first updating `RepositoryData` and then deleting the now unreferenced `index-${newUUID}` blob.
__No deletes are executed on the data nodes at all for any operation with this change.__
Note also: Previous issues with hanging data nodes interfering with master nodes are completely impossible, even on S3 (see next section for details).
This change changes the naming of the shard level `index-${N}` blobs to a uuid suffix `index-${UUID}`. The reason for this is the fact that writing a new shard-level `index-` generation blob is not atomic anymore in its effect. Not only does the blob have to be written to have an effect, it must also be referenced by the root level `index-N` (`RepositoryData`) to become an effective part of the snapshot repository.
This leads to a problem if we were to use incrementing names like we did before. If a blob `index-${N+1}` is written but due to the node/network/cluster/... crashes the root level `RepositoryData` has not been updated then a future operation will determine the shard's generation to be `N` and try to write a new `index-${N+1}` to the already existing path. Updates like that are problematic on S3 for consistency reasons, but also create numerous issues when thinking about stuck data nodes.
Previously stuck data nodes that were tasked to write `index-${N+1}` but got stuck and tried to do so after some other node had already written `index-${N+1}` were prevented form doing so (except for on S3) by us not allowing overwrites for that blob and thus no corruption could occur.
Were we to continue using incrementing names, we could not do this. The stuck node scenario would either allow for overwriting the `N+1` generation or force us to continue using a `LIST` operation to figure out the next `N` (which would make this change pointless).
With uuid naming and moving all deletes to `master` this becomes a non-issue. Data nodes write updated shard generation `index-${uuid}` and `master` makes those `index-${uuid}` part of the `RepositoryData` that it deems correct and cleans up all those `index-` that are unused.
Co-authored-by: Yannick Welsch <>
Co-authored-by: Tanguy Leroux <>
This commit fixes the usage of JsonStringEncoder#quoteAsUTF8 in the SearchSlowLog.
JsonStringEncoder#getInstance should always be called to get a thread local object
but this assumption was broken by #44642. This means that any slow log can throw
an AIOOBE since it uses the same byte array concurrently.