This commit adds the is-write-index flag for aliases.
It allows requests to set the flag, and responses to display the flag.
It does not validate and/or affect any indexing/getting/updating behavior
of Elasticsearch -- this will be done in a follow-up PR.
While removing an index isn't actually an alias action, if we add
an alias action that deletes an index then we can delete and index
and add an alias with the same name as the index atomically, in
the same cluster state update.
In the example there was a alias removed and then a different alias created for the same index, but I think actually swapping a index by another one for the same alias would make more sense as an example here.
Resolves conflicts between parent routing and alias routing with the following rule:
* The parent routing is ignored if there is an alias routing that matches the request.
This PR is a simple doc patch to explicitly mention with an example of
how to create an alias using a glob pattern. This comes up from
time-to-time with our customers and in the community and although
mentioned in the documentation already, is not obvious.
Also mention that the alias will not auto-update as indices matching the
glob change.
Fixes a bug where alias creation would allow `null` for index name, which thereby
applied the alias to _all_ indices. This patch makes the validator throw an
exception if the index is null.
POST /_aliases
"actions": [
"add": {
"alias": "empty-alias",
"index": null
"error": "ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 1: Alias action [add]: [index] may not be null;]",
"status": 400
The reason this bug wasn't caught by the existing tests is because
the old test for nullness only validated against a cluster which had
zero indices. The null index is translated into "_all", and since
there are no indices, this fails because the index doesn't exist.
So the test passes.
However, as soon as you add an index, "_all" resolves and you get the
situation described in the original bug report: null index is
accepted by the alias, resolves to "_all" and gets applied to everything.
The REST tests, otoh, explicitly tested this bug as a real feature and therefore
passed. The REST tests were modified to change this behavior.
Returns information about settings, aliases, warmers, and mappings. Basically returns the IndexMetadata. This new endpoint replaces the /{index}/_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers and /_alias|_aliases|_mapping|_mappings|_settings|_warmer|_warmers endpoints whilst maintaining the same response formats. The only exception to this is on the /_alias|_aliases|_warmer|_warmers endpoint which will now return a section for 'aliases' or 'warmers' even if no aliases or warmers exist. This backwards compatibility change is documented in the reference docs.
It is now possible to specify aliases during index creation:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/test' -d '
"aliases" : {
"alias1" : {},
"alias2" : {
"filter" : { "term" : {"field":"value"}}
See issue #4071
PUT options for _mapping:
Single type can now be added with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/[_mapping|_mappings]/type`
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|regex|blank}/type/[_mapping|_mappings]`
PUT options for _warmer:
PUT with a single warmer can now be done with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/{type|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_warmer|_warmers]/warmer_name`
PUT options for _alias:
Single alias can now be PUT with
`[PUT|POST] {index|_all|*|prefix*|blank}/[_alias|_aliases]/alias`
DELETE options _mapping:
Several mappings can be deleted at once by defining several indices and types with
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}`
`[DELETE] /{index}/{type}/_mapping`
`[DELETE] /{index}/_mapping/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_mapings` can be used.
DELETE options for _warmer:
Several warmers can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_warmer/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_warmers` can be used.
DELETE options for _alias:
Several aliases can be deleted at once by defining several indices and names with
`[DELETE] /{index}/_alias/{type}`
`index= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
`type= * | _all | glob pattern | name1, name2, …`
Alternatively, the keyword `_aliases` can be used.
Currently there are two get aliases apis that both have the same functionality, but have a different response structure. The reason for having 2 apis is historic.
The GET _alias api was added in 0.90.x and is more efficient since it only sends the needed alias data from the cluster state between the master node and the node that received the request. In the GET _aliases api the complete cluster state is send to the node that received the request and then the right information is filtered out and send back to the client.
The GET _aliases api should be removed in favour for the alias api
Closes to #4539
* `ignore_unavailable` - Controls whether to ignore if any specified indices are unavailable, this includes indices that don't exist or closed indices. Either `true` or `false` can be specified.
* `allow_no_indices` - Controls whether to fail if a wildcard indices expressions results into no concrete indices. Either `true` or `false` can be specified. For example if the wildcard expression `foo*` is specified and no indices are available that start with `foo` then depending on this setting the request will fail. This setting is also applicable when `_all`, `*` or no index has been specified.
* `expand_wildcards` - Controls to what kind of concrete indices wildcard indices expression expand to. If `open` is specified then the wildcard expression if expanded to only open indices and if `closed` is specified then the wildcard expression if expanded only to closed indices. Also both values (`open,closed`) can be specified to expand to all indices.
Closes to #4436