Also a small amount of cleanup in the way we create VMs - just a bit less
Prompts are always of the form "box:cwd$ ". Even for root. Which is ok because
you don't have to be that careful with root because these are VMs that you
can destroy and recreate quickly.
This creates a module in qa called vagrant that can be run if you have
vagrant and virtualbox installed and will run the packaging tests in trusty
and centos-7.0. You can ask it to run tests in other linuxes. This is the full
* precise aka Ubuntu 12.04
* trusty aka Ubuntu 14.04
* vivid aka Ubuntun 15.04
* wheezy aka Debian 7, the current debian oldstable distribution
* jessie aka Debian 8, the current debina stable distribution
* centos-6
* centos-7
* fedora-22
* oel-7
There is lots of documentation on how to do this in the TESTING.asciidoc.