ElasticsearchRestTests extends now ElasticsearchIntegrationTest and makes use of our ordinary test infrastructure, in particular all randomized aspects now come for free instead of having to maintain a separate (custom) tests runner
We previously parsed only the tests that needed to be run given the version of the cluster the tests are running against. This doesn't happen anymore as it didn't buy much and it would be harder to support as the tests get now parsed before the test cluster gets started. Thus all the tests are now parsed regardless of their skip sections, afterwards the ones that don't need to be run will be skipped through assume directives.
Fixed REST tests that rely on a specific number of shards as this change introduces also random number of shards and replicas (through randomIndexTemplate)
Added base TransportAction class for master read operations that execute locally or not depending on the request class (local flag).
Added support for local flag where missing, in a backwards compatible manner:
- IndicesExistsRequest
- GetAliasesRequest (get alias api, aliases exist api)
- TypesExistsRequest
- GetIndexTemplatesRequest (get template, template exists)
- GetSettingsRequest
- GetRepositoriesRequest
- PendingClusterTasks
Added parsing of the local flag where missing in Rest*Action.
Updated SPEC adding local flag param where missing and added REST tests that contain use of the local flag where it was just added.
* Made GET mappings consistent, supporting
* /{index}/_mappings/{type}
* /{index}/_mapping/{type}
* /_mapping/{type}
* Added "mappings" in the JSON response to align it with other responses
* Made GET warmers consistent, support /{index}/_warmers/{type} and /_warmer, /_warner/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET aliases consistent, support /{index}/_aliases/{name} and /_alias, /_aliases/{name}
as well as wildcards and _all notation
* Made GET settings consistent, added /{index}/_setting/{name}, /_settings/{name}
as well as supportings wildcards in settings name
* Returning empty JSON instead of a 404, if a specific warmer/
setting/alias/type is missing
* Added a ton of spec tests for all of the above
* Added a couple of more integration tests for several features
Relates #4071