Refactor the `libs/grok` module to rename the package name from `org.elasticsearch.grok` to `org.opensearch.grok` as part of the rename to OpenSearch work.
Signed-off-by: Rabi Panda <>
This adds the ability to fetch java primitives like `long` and `float`
from grok matches rather than their boxed versions. It also allows
customizing the which fields are extracted and how they are extracted.
By default we continue to fetch a `Map<String, Object>` but runtime
fields will be able to catch *just* the fields it is interested
in, and the values will be primitives.
This adds a method to `Grok` that matches against sections offset from
utf-8 byte arrays:
Map<String, Object> captures(byte[] utf8Bytes, int offset, int length)
This'll be useful for the grok-flavored runtime fields because they
want to match against utf-8 encoded strings stored in a big array. And
joni already supports this.
This extracts the configuration for extracting values from a groked
string when building the grok expression to do two things:
1. Create a method exposing that configuration on `Grok` itself which
will be used grok `grok` flavored runtime fields.
2. Marginally speed up extracting grok values by skipping a little
string manipulation.
This reworks the code around grok's built-in patterns to name things
more like the rest of the code. Its not a big deal, but I'm just more
used to having `public static final` constants in SHOUTING_SNAKE_CASE.
* Replace compile configuration usage with api (#58451)
- Use java-library instead of plugin to allow api configuration usage
- Remove explicit references to runtime configurations in dependency declarations
- Make test runtime classpath input for testing convention
- required as java library will by default not have build jar file
- jar file is now explicit input of the task and gradle will ensure its properly build
* Fix compile usages in 7.x branch
* Remove usage of deprecated testCompile configuration
* Replace testCompile usage by testImplementation
* Make testImplementation non transitive by default (as we did for testCompile)
* Update CONTRIBUTING about using testImplementation for test dependencies
* Fail on testCompile configuration usage
When Joni, the regex engine that powers grok emits a warning it
does so by default to System.err. System.err logs are all bucketed
together in the server log at WARN level. When Joni emits a warning,
it can be extremely verbose, logging a message for each execution
again that pattern. For ingest node that means for every document
that is run that through Grok. Fortunately, Joni provides a call
back hook to push these warnings to a custom location.
This commit implements Joni's callback hook to push the Joni warning
to the Elasticsearch server logger (
at debug level. Generally these warning indicate a possible issue with
the regular expression and upon creation of the Grok processor will
do a "test run" of the expression and log the result (if any) at WARN
level. This WARN level log should only occur on pipeline creation which
is a much lower frequency then every document.
Additionally, the documentation is updated with instructions for how
to set the logger to debug level.
This was noticed for a pipeline that was defining hundreds of
grok patterns inline with a single grok processor.
The recursive call used to translate a Grok pattern to a regular
expression can overflow the stack. This commit converts that method
to an iterative method.
Co-authored-by: Przemko Robakowski <>
Currently forbidden apis accounts for 800+ tasks in the build. These
tasks are aggressively created by the plugin. In forbidden apis 3.0, we
will get task avoidance
(, but we
need to ourselves use the same task avoidance mechanisms to not trigger
these task creations. This commit does that for our foribdden apis
usages, in preparation for upgrading to 3.0 when it is released.
While we use `== false` as a more visible form of boolean negation
(instead of `!`), the true case is implied and the true value does not
need to explicitly checked. This commit converts cases that have slipped
into the code checking for `== true`.
In order to ensure that logstash and Elasticsearch are able to understand
the same patterns, this commit adapts to changes in logstash, adds a few
patterns and changes a few.
Backport of #48849. Update `.editorconfig` to make the Java settings the
default for all files, and then apply a 2-space indent to all `*.gradle`
files. Then reformat all the files.
There is a watchdog in order to avoid long running (and expensive)
grok expressions. Currently the watchdog is thread based, threads
that run grok expressions are registered and after completion unregister.
If these threads stay registered for too long then the watch dog interrupts
these threads. Joni (the library that powers grok expressions) has a
mechanism that checks whether the current thread is interrupted and
if so abort the pattern matching.
Newer versions have an additional method to abort long running pattern
matching inside joni. Instead of checking the thread's interrupted flag,
joni now also checks a volatile field that can be set via a `Matcher`
instance. This is more efficient method for aborting long running matches.
(joni checks each 30k iterations whether interrupted flag is set vs.
just checking a volatile field)
Recently we upgraded to a recent joni version (#47374), and this PR
is a followup of that PR.
This change should also fix#43673, since it appears when unit tests
are ran the a test runner thread's interrupted flag may already have
been set, due to some thread reuse.
This prevents the following warning from being printed to console:
`regular expression has redundant nested repeat operator + /%\{(?<name>(?<pattern>[A-z0-9]+)(?::(?<subname>[[:alnum:]@\[\]_:.-]+))?)(?:=(?<definition>(?:(?:[^{}]+|\.+)+)+))?\}/`
The current grok expression is not failing, but just this warning is being printed.
The warning started being printed after upgrading joni (#47374).
Backport of #47374
Changed the Grok class to use searchInterruptible(...) instead of search(...)
otherwise we can't interrupt long running matching via the thread watch
Joni now also provides another way to interrupt long running matches.
By invoking the interrupt() method on the Matcher. We need then to refactor
the watch thread dog to keep track of Matchers instead of Threads, but
it is a better way of doing this, since interrupting would be more direct
(not every 30k iterations) and efficient (checking a volatile field).
This work needs to be done in a follow up.
* Remove eclipse conditionals
We used to have some meta projects with a `-test` prefix because
historically eclipse could not distinguish between test and main
source-sets and could only use a single classpath.
This is no longer the case for the past few Eclipse versions.
This PR adds the necessary configuration to correctly categorize source
folders and libraries.
With this change eclipse can import projects, and the visibility rules
are correct e.x. auto compete doesn't offer classes from test code or
`testCompile` dependencies when editing classes in `main`.
Unfortunately the cyclic dependency detection in Eclipse doesn't seem to
take the difference between test and non test source sets into account,
but since we are checking this in Gradle anyhow, it's safe to set to
`warning` in the settings. Unfortunately there is no setting to ignore
This might cause problems when building since Eclipse will probably not
know the right order to build things in so more wirk might be necesarry.
This change moves the construction of the result
HashMap in Grok.captures() into the branch that
actually needs it.
This probably will not make a measurable difference
for ingest pipelines, but it is beneficial to the
ML find_file_structure endpoint, as it tries out
many Grok patterns that will fail to match.
Scheduler.schedule(...) would previously assume that caller handles
exception by calling get() on the returned ScheduledFuture.
schedule() now returns a ScheduledCancellable that no longer gives
access to the exception. Instead, any exception thrown out of a
scheduled Runnable is logged as a warning.
This is a continuation of #28667, #36137 and also fixes#37708.
This change cleans up "unused variable" warnings. There are several cases were we
most likely want to suppress the warnings (especially in the client documentation test
where the snippets contain many unused variables). In a lot of cases the unused
variables can just be deleted though.
* INGEST: Fix ThreadWatchDog Throwing on Shutdown
* #32539 is caused by the fact that ThreadWatchDog.Default could throw on shutdown if the ThreadPool is interrupted while `interruptLongRunningExecutions` is in progress. This is a result of the watchdog not having a lifecycle of its own (normally it terminates when the threadpool terminates).
* We can't easily use `org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsRejectedExecutionException#isExecutorShutdown` to catch this state the same way other components do since thatwould require adding the core lib to Grok as a dependency
* Since we have no knowledge of the lifecycle in this compontent since we're only passed the scheduler `BiFunction` I fixed this by only scheduling the watchdog when there's actually registered threads in it.
* I think using the patter of locking via two `Atomic*` values should not be much of a performance concern here under load since either the integer will likely be > 0 in this case (because we have multiple Grok in parallel) or the running state will be true because there likely was at least one thread registered when the watchdog ran and so the enqueing of the watchdog task during `register` will happen very rarely here (in the worst case scenario of only a single Grok thread it will happen less frequently than once every `ingest.grok.watchdog.interval`). The atomic update on the count should not be relevant relative to the cost of adding a new node to the CHM either.
* Fixes#32539
* Also fixes the watchdog to run if it doens't have to in general.
This adds a thread interrupter that allows us to encapsulate calls to org.joni.Matcher#search()
This method can hang forever if the regex expression is too complex.
The thread interrupter in the background checks every 3 seconds whether there are threads
execution the org.joni.Matcher#search() method for longer than 5 seconds and
if so interrupts these threads.
Joni has checks that that for every 30k iterations it checks if the current thread is interrupted and
if so returns org.joni.Matcher#INTERRUPTED
Fails the build if any subprojects of `:libs` have dependencies in `:libs`
except for `:libs:elasticsearch-core`.
Since we now have three places where we resolve project substitutions
I've added `dependencyToProject` to `project.ext` in all projects. It
resolves both `project` style dependencies and "external" style (like
"org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-core:${version}") dependencies to
`Project`s using the `projectSubstitutions`. I use this new function all
three places where resovle project substitutions.
Finally this pulls `apply plugin: ''` out of
`libs/*/build.gradle` and into a subprojects clause in
`libs/build.gradle`. I do this entirely so that I can call
`tasks.precommit.dependsOn checkDependencies` without waiting for the
subprojects to be evaluated or worrying about whether or not they have
`precommit` set up in a normal way.