`mmapfs` is really good for random access but can have sideeffects if
memory maps are large depending on the operating system etc. A hybrid
solution where only selected files are actually memory mapped but others
mostly consumed sequentially brings the best of both worlds and
minimizes the memory map impact.
This commit mmaps only the `dvd` and `tim` file for fast random access
on docvalues and term dictionaries.
The current setting of 20MB/sec seems to be too conservative given
the capabilities of modern hardware. Even on cloud infrastructure this
seems to be too lowish. A 50MB default should provide better out of the box
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on docs/*
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on src/* bin/* & pom.xml
* Clean up s/ElasticSearch/Elasticsearch on NOTICE.txt and README.textile