opensearch = 3.0.0 lucene = 9.3.0-snapshot-b7231bb bundled_jdk_vendor = adoptium bundled_jdk = 17.0.3+7 # optional dependencies spatial4j = 0.7 jts = 1.15.0 jackson = 2.13.2 jackson_databind = snakeyaml = 1.26 icu4j = 70.1 supercsv = 2.4.0 log4j = 2.17.1 slf4j = 1.6.2 asm = 9.3 # when updating the JNA version, also update the version in buildSrc/build.gradle jna = 5.5.0 netty = 4.1.73.Final joda = 2.10.12 # client dependencies httpclient = 4.5.13 httpcore = 4.4.12 httpasyncclient = 4.1.4 commonslogging = 1.2 commonscodec = 1.13 # when updating this version, you need to ensure compatibility with: # - plugins/ingest-attachment (transitive dependency, check the upstream POM) # - distribution/tools/plugin-cli bouncycastle=1.70 # test dependencies randomizedrunner = 2.7.1 junit = 4.13.2 hamcrest = 2.1 mockito = 4.3.1 objenesis = 3.2 bytebuddy = 1.12.7 # benchmark dependencies jmh = 1.19