[[modules-scripting-native]] === Native (Java) Scripts Sometimes `painless` and <> aren't enough. For those times you can implement a native script. The best way to implement a native script is to write a plugin and install it. The plugin {plugins}/plugin-authors.html[documentation] has more information on how to write a plugin so that Elasticsearch will properly load it. To register the actual script you'll need to implement `NativeScriptFactory` to construct the script. The actual script will extend either `AbstractExecutableScript` or `AbstractSearchScript`. The second one is likely the most useful and has several helpful subclasses you can extend like `AbstractLongSearchScript` and `AbstractDoubleSearchScript`. Finally, your plugin should register the native script by implementing the `ScriptPlugin` interface. If you squashed the whole thing into one class it'd look like: [source,java] -------------------------------------------------- public class MyNativeScriptPlugin extends Plugin implements ScriptPlugin { @Override public List getNativeScripts() { return Collections.singletonList(new MyNativeScriptFactory()); } public static class MyNativeScriptFactory implements NativeScriptFactory { @Override public ExecutableScript newScript(@Nullable Map params) { return new MyNativeScript(); } @Override public boolean needsScores() { return false; } } public static class MyNativeScript extends AbstractDoubleSearchScript { @Override public double runAsDouble() { double a = (double) source().get("a"); double b = (double) source().get("b"); return a * b; } } } -------------------------------------------------- You can execute the script by specifying its `lang` as `native`, and the name of the script as the `id`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_search -d '{ "query": { "function_score": { "query": { "match": { "body": "foo" } }, "functions": [ { "script_score": { "script": { "id": "my_script", "lang" : "native" } } } ] } } }' --------------------------------------------------