=== Phonetic Analysis Plugin

The Phonetic Analysis plugin provides token filters which convert tokens to
their phonetic representation using Soundex, Metaphone, and a variety of other

:plugin_name: analysis-phonetic

==== `phonetic` token filter

The `phonetic` token filter takes the following settings:


    Which phonetic encoder to use.  Accepts `metaphone` (default),
    `double_metaphone`, `soundex`, `refined_soundex`, `caverphone1`,
    `caverphone2`, `cologne`, `nysiis`, `koelnerphonetik`, `haasephonetik`,
    `beider_morse`, `daitch_mokotoff`.


    Whether or not the original token should be replaced by the phonetic
    token. Accepts `true` (default) and `false`.  Not supported by
    `beider_morse` encoding.

PUT phonetic_sample
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
          "my_analyzer": {
            "tokenizer": "standard",
            "filter": [
        "filter": {
          "my_metaphone": {
            "type": "phonetic",
            "encoder": "metaphone",
            "replace": false

GET phonetic_sample/_analyze
  "analyzer": "my_analyzer",
  "text": "Joe Bloggs" <1>

<1> Returns: `J`, `joe`, `BLKS`, `bloggs`

===== Double metaphone settings

If the `double_metaphone` encoder is used, then this additional setting is


    The maximum length of the emitted metaphone token.  Defaults to `4`.

===== Beider Morse settings

If the `beider_morse` encoder is used, then these additional settings are


    Whether matching should be `exact` or `approx` (default).


    Whether names are `ashkenazi`, `sephardic`, or `generic` (default).


    An array of languages to check. If not specified, then the language will
    be guessed. Accepts: `any`, `comomon`, `cyrillic`, `english`, `french`,
    `german`, `hebrew`, `hungarian`, `polish`, `romanian`, `russian`,