Mapper Attachments Type for Elasticsearch ========================================= The mapper attachments plugin lets Elasticsearch index file attachments in common formats (such as PPT, XLS, PDF) using the Apache text extraction library [Tika]( In practice, the plugin adds the `attachment` type when mapping properties so that documents can be populated with file attachment contents (encoded as `base64`). Installation ------------ In order to install the plugin, run: ```sh bin/plugin install mapper-attachments ``` Hello, world ------------ Create a property mapping using the new type `attachment`: ```javascript POST /trying-out-mapper-attachments { "mappings": { "person": { "properties": { "cv": { "type": "attachment" } }}}} ``` Index a new document populated with a `base64`-encoded attachment: ```javascript POST /trying-out-mapper-attachments/person/1 { "cv": "e1xydGYxXGFuc2kNCkxvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0DQpccGFyIH0=" } ``` Search for the document using words in the attachment: ```javascript POST /trying-out-mapper-attachments/person/_search { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "ipsum" }}} ``` If you get a hit for your indexed document, the plugin should be installed and working. Usage ------------------------ Using the attachment type is simple, in your mapping JSON, simply set a certain JSON element as attachment, for example: ```javascript PUT /test PUT /test/person/_mapping { "person" : { "properties" : { "my_attachment" : { "type" : "attachment" } } } } ``` In this case, the JSON to index can be: ```javascript PUT /test/person/1 { "my_attachment" : "... base64 encoded attachment ..." } ``` Or it is possible to use more elaborated JSON if content type, resource name or language need to be set explicitly: ``` PUT /test/person/1 { "my_attachment" : { "_content_type" : "application/pdf", "_name" : "resource/name/of/my.pdf", "_language" : "en", "_content" : "... base64 encoded attachment ..." } } ``` The `attachment` type not only indexes the content of the doc in `content` sub field, but also automatically adds meta data on the attachment as well (when available). The metadata supported are: * `date` * `title` * `name` only available if you set `_name` see above * `author` * `keywords` * `content_type` * `content_length` is the original content_length before text extraction (aka file size) * `language` They can be queried using the "dot notation", for example: ``. Both the meta data and the actual content are simple core type mappers (string, date, ...), thus, they can be controlled in the mappings. For example: ```javascript PUT /test/person/_mapping { "person" : { "properties" : { "file" : { "type" : "attachment", "fields" : { "content" : {"index" : "no"}, "title" : {"store" : "yes"}, "date" : {"store" : "yes"}, "author" : {"analyzer" : "myAnalyzer"}, "keywords" : {"store" : "yes"}, "content_type" : {"store" : "yes"}, "content_length" : {"store" : "yes"}, "language" : {"store" : "yes"} } } } } } ``` In the above example, the actual content indexed is mapped under `fields` name `content`, and we decide not to index it, so it will only be available in the `_all` field. The other fields map to their respective metadata names, but there is no need to specify the `type` (like `string` or `date`) since it is already known. Copy To feature --------------- If you want to use [copy_to]( feature, you need to define it on each sub-field you want to copy to another field: ```javascript PUT /test/person/_mapping { "person": { "properties": { "file": { "type": "attachment", "fields": { "content": { "type": "string", "copy_to": "copy" } } }, "copy": { "type": "string" } } } } ``` In this example, the extracted content will be copy as well to `copy` field. Querying or accessing metadata ------------------------------ If you need to query on metadata fields, use the attachment field name dot the metadata field. For example: ``` DELETE /test PUT /test PUT /test/person/_mapping { "person": { "properties": { "file": { "type": "attachment", "fields": { "content_type": { "type": "string", "store": true } } } } } } PUT /test/person/1?refresh=true { "file": "IkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBRdWVlbiIgKGFsdGVybmF0aXZlbHkgIkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBLaW5nIg==" } GET /test/person/_search { "fields": [ "file.content_type" ], "query": { "match": { "file.content_type": "text plain" } } } ``` Will give you: ``` { "took": 2, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 5, "successful": 5, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 1, "max_score": 0.16273327, "hits": [ { "_index": "test", "_type": "person", "_id": "1", "_score": 0.16273327, "fields": { "file.content_type": [ "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1" ] } } ] } } ``` Indexed Characters ------------------ By default, `100000` characters are extracted when indexing the content. This default value can be changed by setting the `index.mapping.attachment.indexed_chars` setting. It can also be provided on a per document indexed using the `_indexed_chars` parameter. `-1` can be set to extract all text, but note that all the text needs to be allowed to be represented in memory: ``` PUT /test/person/1 { "my_attachment" : { "_indexed_chars" : -1, "_content" : "... base64 encoded attachment ..." } } ``` Metadata parsing error handling ------------------------------- While extracting metadata content, errors could happen for example when parsing dates. Parsing errors are ignored so your document is indexed. You can disable this feature by setting the `index.mapping.attachment.ignore_errors` setting to `false`. Language Detection ------------------ By default, language detection is disabled (`false`) as it could come with a cost. This default value can be changed by setting the `index.mapping.attachment.detect_language` setting. It can also be provided on a per document indexed using the `_detect_language` parameter. Note that you can force language using `_language` field when sending your actual document: ```javascript { "my_attachment" : { "_language" : "en", "_content" : "... base64 encoded attachment ..." } } ``` Highlighting attachments ------------------------ If you want to highlight your attachment content, you will need to set `"store": true` and `"term_vector":"with_positions_offsets"` for your attachment field. Here is a full script which does it: ``` DELETE /test PUT /test PUT /test/person/_mapping { "person": { "properties": { "file": { "type": "attachment", "fields": { "content": { "type": "string", "term_vector":"with_positions_offsets", "store": true } } } } } } PUT /test/person/1?refresh=true { "file": "IkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBRdWVlbiIgKGFsdGVybmF0aXZlbHkgIkdvZCBTYXZlIHRoZSBLaW5nIg==" } GET /test/person/_search { "fields": [], "query": { "match": { "file.content": "king queen" } }, "highlight": { "fields": { "file.content": { } } } } ``` It gives back: ```js { "took": 9, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 1, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 1, "max_score": 0.13561106, "hits": [ { "_index": "test", "_type": "person", "_id": "1", "_score": 0.13561106, "highlight": { "file.content": [ "\"God Save the Queen\" (alternatively \"God Save the King\"\n" ] } } ] } } ``` Stand alone runner ------------------ If you want to run some tests within your IDE, you can use `StandaloneRunner` class. It accepts arguments: * `-u file://URL/TO/YOUR/DOC` * `--size` set extracted size (default to mapper attachment size) * `BASE64` encoded binary Example: ```sh StandaloneRunner BASE64Text StandaloneRunner -u /tmp/mydoc.pdf StandaloneRunner -u /tmp/mydoc.pdf --size 1000000 ``` It produces something like: ``` ## Extracted text --------------------- BEGIN ----------------------- This is the extracted text ---------------------- END ------------------------ ## Metadata - author: null - content_length: null - content_type: application/pdf - date: null - keywords: null - language: null - name: null - title: null ```