[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[enrich-processor]] === Enrich Processor The `enrich` processor can enrich documents with data from another index. See <> section for more information about how to set this up. [[enrich-options]] .Enrich Options [options="header"] |====== | Name | Required | Default | Description | `policy_name` | yes | - | The name of the enrich policy to use. | `field` | yes | - | The field in the input document that matches the policies match_field used to retrieve the enrichment data. Supports <>. | `target_field` | yes | - | The field that will be used for the enrichment data. Supports <>. | `ignore_missing` | no | false | If `true` and `field` does not exist, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document | `override` | no | true | If processor will update fields with pre-existing non-null-valued field. When set to `false`, such fields will not be touched. | `max_matches` | no | 1 | The maximum number of matched documents to include under the configured target field. The `target_field` will be turned into a json array if `max_matches` is higher than 1, otherwise `target_field` will become a json object. In order to avoid documents getting too large, the maximum allowed value is 128. | `shape_relation` | no | `INTERSECTS` | A spatial relation operator used to match the <> of incoming documents to documents in the enrich index. This option is only used for `geo_match` enrich policy types. The <> mapping parameter determines which spatial relation operators are available. See <<_spatial_relations>> for operators and more information. include::common-options.asciidoc[] |======