[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[ingest-enriching-data]] == Enrich your data You can use the <> to add data from your existing indices to incoming documents during ingest. For example, you can use the enrich processor to: * Identify web services or vendors based on known IP addresses * Add product information to retail orders based on product IDs * Supplement contact information based on an email address * Add postal codes based on user coordinates [discrete] [[how-enrich-works]] === How the enrich processor works An <> changes documents before they are actually indexed. You can think of an ingest pipeline as an assembly line made up of a series of workers, called <>. Each processor makes specific changes, like lowercasing field values, to incoming documents before moving on to the next. When all the processors in a pipeline are done, the finished document is added to the target index. image::images/ingest/ingest-process.svg[align="center"] Most processors are self-contained and only change _existing_ data in incoming documents. But the enrich processor adds _new_ data to incoming documents and requires a few special components: image::images/ingest/enrich/enrich-process.svg[align="center"] [[enrich-policy]] enrich policy:: + -- A set of configuration options used to add the right enrich data to the right incoming documents. An enrich policy contains: // tag::enrich-policy-fields[] * A list of one or more _source indices_ which store enrich data as documents * The _policy type_ which determines how the processor matches the enrich data to incoming documents * A _match field_ from the source indices used to match incoming documents * _Enrich fields_ containing enrich data from the source indices you want to add to incoming documents // end::enrich-policy-fields[] Before it can be used with an enrich processor, an enrich policy must be <>. When executed, an enrich policy uses enrich data from the policy's source indices to create a streamlined system index called the _enrich index_. The processor uses this index to match and enrich incoming documents. See <> for a full list of enrich policy types and configuration options. -- [[source-index]] source index:: An index which stores enrich data you'd like to add to incoming documents. You can create and manage these indices just like a regular {es} index. You can use multiple source indices in an enrich policy. You also can use the same source index in multiple enrich policies. [[enrich-index]] enrich index:: + -- A special system index tied to a specific enrich policy. Directly matching incoming documents to documents in source indices could be slow and resource intensive. To speed things up, the enrich processor uses an enrich index. Enrich indices contain enrich data from source indices but have a few special properties to help streamline them: * They are system indices, meaning they're managed internally by {es} and only intended for use with enrich processors. * They always begin with `.enrich-*`. * They are read-only, meaning you can't directly change them. * They are <> for fast retrieval. -- [role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[enrich-setup]] === Set up an enrich processor To set up an enrich processor, follow these steps: . Check the <>. . <>. . <>. . <>. . <>. . <>. Once you have an enrich processor set up, you can <> and <>. [IMPORTANT] ==== The enrich processor performs several operations and may impact the speed of your <>. We strongly recommend testing and benchmarking your enrich processors before deploying them in production. We do not recommend using the enrich processor to append real-time data. The enrich processor works best with reference data that doesn't change frequently. ==== [float] [[enrich-prereqs]] ==== Prerequisites include::{es-repo-dir}/ingest/apis/enrich/put-enrich-policy.asciidoc[tag=enrich-policy-api-prereqs] [[create-enrich-source-index]] ==== Add enrich data To begin, add documents to one or more source indices. These documents should contain the enrich data you eventually want to add to incoming documents. You can manage source indices just like regular {es} indices using the <> and <> APIs. You also can set up {beats-ref}/getting-started.html[{beats}], such as a {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-installation-configuration.html[{filebeat}], to automatically send and index documents to your source indices. See {beats-ref}/getting-started.html[Getting started with {beats}]. [[create-enrich-policy]] ==== Create an enrich policy After adding enrich data to your source indices, you can <>. When defining the enrich policy, you should include at least the following: include::enrich.asciidoc[tag=enrich-policy-fields] You can use this definition to create the enrich policy with the <>. [WARNING] ==== Once created, you can't update or change an enrich policy. See <>. ==== [[execute-enrich-policy]] ==== Execute the enrich policy Once the enrich policy is created, you can execute it using the <> to create an <>. image::images/ingest/enrich/enrich-policy-index.svg[align="center"] include::apis/enrich/execute-enrich-policy.asciidoc[tag=execute-enrich-policy-def] [[add-enrich-processor]] ==== Add an enrich processor to an ingest pipeline Once you have source indices, an enrich policy, and the related enrich index in place, you can set up an ingest pipeline that includes an enrich processor for your policy. image::images/ingest/enrich/enrich-processor.svg[align="center"] Define an <> and add it to an ingest pipeline using the <>. When defining the enrich processor, you must include at least the following: * The enrich policy to use. * The field used to match incoming documents to the documents in your enrich index. * The target field to add to incoming documents. This target field contains the match and enrich fields specified in your enrich policy. You also can use the `max_matches` option to set the number of enrich documents an incoming document can match. If set to the default of `1`, data is added to an incoming document's target field as a JSON object. Otherwise, the data is added as an array. See <> for a full list of configuration options. You also can add other <> to your ingest pipeline. [[ingest-enrich-docs]] ==== Ingest and enrich documents You can now use your ingest pipeline to enrich and index documents. image::images/ingest/enrich/enrich-process.svg[align="center"] Before implementing the pipeline in production, we recommend indexing a few test documents first and verifying enrich data was added correctly using the <>. [[update-enrich-data]] ==== Update an enrich index include::{es-repo-dir}/ingest/apis/enrich/execute-enrich-policy.asciidoc[tag=update-enrich-index] If wanted, you can <> or <> any already ingested documents using your ingest pipeline. [[update-enrich-policies]] ==== Update an enrich policy // tag::update-enrich-policy[] Once created, you can't update or change an enrich policy. Instead, you can: . Create and <> a new enrich policy. . Replace the previous enrich policy with the new enrich policy in any in-use enrich processors. . Use the <> API to delete the previous enrich policy. // end::update-enrich-policy[] [role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[enrich-policy-definition]] === Enrich policy definition <> are defined as JSON objects like the following: [source,js] ---- { "": { "indices": [ "..." ], "match_field": "...", "enrich_fields": [ "..." ], "query": {... } } } ---- // NOTCONSOLE [[enrich-policy-parms]] ==== Parameters ``:: + -- (Required, enrich policy object) The enrich policy type determines how enrich data is matched to incoming documents. Supported enrich policy types include: <>::: Matches enrich data to incoming documents based on a geographic location using a <>. For an example, see <>. <>::: Matches enrich data to incoming documents based on a precise value, such as an email address or ID, using a <>. For an example, see <>. -- `indices`:: + -- (Required, String or array of strings) Source indices used to create the enrich index. If multiple indices are provided, they must share a common `match_field`, which the enrich processor can use to match incoming documents. -- `match_field`:: (Required, string) Field in the source indices used to match incoming documents. `enrich_fields`:: (Required, Array of strings) Fields to add to matching incoming documents. These fields must be present in the source indices. `query`:: (Optional, <>) Query used to filter documents in the enrich index for matching. Defaults to a <> query. [role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[geo-match-enrich-policy-type]] === Example: Enrich your data based on geolocation `geo_match` <> match enrich data to incoming documents based on a geographic location, using a <>. The following example creates a `geo_match` enrich policy that adds postal codes to incoming documents based on a set of coordinates. It then adds the `geo_match` enrich policy to a processor in an ingest pipeline. Use the <> to create a source index containing at least one `geo_shape` field. [source,console] ---- PUT /postal_codes { "mappings": { "properties": { "location": { "type": "geo_shape" }, "postal_code": { "type": "keyword" } } } } ---- Use the <> to index enrich data to this source index. [source,console] ---- PUT /postal_codes/_doc/1?refresh=wait_for { "location": { "type": "envelope", "coordinates": [ [ 13.0, 53.0 ], [ 14.0, 52.0 ] ] }, "postal_code": "96598" } ---- // TEST[continued] Use the <> to create an enrich policy with the `geo_match` policy type. This policy must include: * One or more source indices * A `match_field`, the `geo_shape` field from the source indices used to match incoming documents * Enrich fields from the source indices you'd like to append to incoming documents [source,console] ---- PUT /_enrich/policy/postal_policy { "geo_match": { "indices": "postal_codes", "match_field": "location", "enrich_fields": [ "location", "postal_code" ] } } ---- // TEST[continued] Use the <> to create an enrich index for the policy. [source,console] ---- POST /_enrich/policy/postal_policy/_execute ---- // TEST[continued] Use the <> to create an ingest pipeline. In the pipeline, add an <> that includes: * Your enrich policy. * The `field` of incoming documents used to match the geo_shape of documents from the enrich index. * The `target_field` used to store appended enrich data for incoming documents. This field contains the `match_field` and `enrich_fields` specified in your enrich policy. * The `shape_relation`, which indicates how the processor matches geo_shapes in incoming documents to geo_shapes in documents from the enrich index. See <<_spatial_relations>> for valid options and more information. [source,console] ---- PUT /_ingest/pipeline/postal_lookup { "description": "Enrich postal codes", "processors": [ { "enrich": { "policy_name": "postal_policy", "field": "geo_location", "target_field": "geo_data", "shape_relation": "INTERSECTS" } } ] } ---- // TEST[continued] Use the ingest pipeline to index a document. The incoming document should include the `field` specified in your enrich processor. [source,console] ---- PUT /users/_doc/0?pipeline=postal_lookup { "first_name": "Mardy", "last_name": "Brown", "geo_location": "POINT (13.5 52.5)" } ---- // TEST[continued] To verify the enrich processor matched and appended the appropriate field data, use the <> to view the indexed document. [source,console] ---- GET /users/_doc/0 ---- // TEST[continued] The API returns the following response: [source,console-result] ---- { "found": true, "_index": "users", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "0", "_version": 1, "_seq_no": 55, "_primary_term": 1, "_source": { "geo_data": { "location": { "type": "envelope", "coordinates": [[13.0, 53.0], [14.0, 52.0]] }, "postal_code": "96598" }, "first_name": "Mardy", "last_name": "Brown", "geo_location": "POINT (13.5 52.5)" } } ---- // TESTRESPONSE[s/"_seq_no": \d+/"_seq_no" : $body._seq_no/ s/"_primary_term":1/"_primary_term" : $body._primary_term/] //// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/postal_lookup DELETE /_enrich/policy/postal_policy -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[continued] //// [role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[match-enrich-policy-type]] === Example: Enrich your data based on exact values `match` <> match enrich data to incoming documents based on an exact value, such as a email address or ID, using a <>. The following example creates a `match` enrich policy that adds user name and contact information to incoming documents based on an email address. It then adds the `match` enrich policy to a processor in an ingest pipeline. Use the <> or <> to create a source index. The following index API request creates a source index and indexes a new document to that index. [source,console] ---- PUT /users/_doc/1?refresh=wait_for { "email": "mardy.brown@asciidocsmith.com", "first_name": "Mardy", "last_name": "Brown", "city": "New Orleans", "county": "Orleans", "state": "LA", "zip": 70116, "web": "mardy.asciidocsmith.com" } ---- Use the put enrich policy API to create an enrich policy with the `match` policy type. This policy must include: * One or more source indices * A `match_field`, the field from the source indices used to match incoming documents * Enrich fields from the source indices you'd like to append to incoming documents [source,console] ---- PUT /_enrich/policy/users-policy { "match": { "indices": "users", "match_field": "email", "enrich_fields": ["first_name", "last_name", "city", "zip", "state"] } } ---- // TEST[continued] Use the <> to create an enrich index for the policy. [source,console] ---- POST /_enrich/policy/users-policy/_execute ---- // TEST[continued] Use the <> to create an ingest pipeline. In the pipeline, add an <> that includes: * Your enrich policy. * The `field` of incoming documents used to match documents from the enrich index. * The `target_field` used to store appended enrich data for incoming documents. This field contains the `match_field` and `enrich_fields` specified in your enrich policy. [source,console] ---- PUT /_ingest/pipeline/user_lookup { "description" : "Enriching user details to messages", "processors" : [ { "enrich" : { "policy_name": "users-policy", "field" : "email", "target_field": "user", "max_matches": "1" } } ] } ---- // TEST[continued] Use the ingest pipeline to index a document. The incoming document should include the `field` specified in your enrich processor. [source,console] ---- PUT /my_index/_doc/my_id?pipeline=user_lookup { "email": "mardy.brown@asciidocsmith.com" } ---- // TEST[continued] To verify the enrich processor matched and appended the appropriate field data, use the <> to view the indexed document. [source,console] ---- GET /my_index/_doc/my_id ---- // TEST[continued] The API returns the following response: [source,console-result] ---- { "found": true, "_index": "my_index", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "my_id", "_version": 1, "_seq_no": 55, "_primary_term": 1, "_source": { "user": { "email": "mardy.brown@asciidocsmith.com", "first_name": "Mardy", "last_name": "Brown", "zip": 70116, "city": "New Orleans", "state": "LA" }, "email": "mardy.brown@asciidocsmith.com" } } ---- // TESTRESPONSE[s/"_seq_no": \d+/"_seq_no" : $body._seq_no/ s/"_primary_term":1/"_primary_term" : $body._primary_term/] //// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/user_lookup DELETE /_enrich/policy/users-policy -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[continued] ////