[[breaking_50_packaging]] === Packaging ==== Default logging using systemd (since Elasticsearch 2.2.0) In previous versions of Elasticsearch, the default logging configuration routed standard output to /dev/null and standard error to the journal. However, there are often critical error messages at startup that are logged to standard output rather than standard error and these error messages would be lost to the nether. The default has changed to now route standard output to the journal and standard error to inherit this setting (these are the defaults for systemd). These settings can be modified by editing the elasticsearch.service file. ==== Longer startup times In Elasticsearch 5.0.0 the `-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch` flag has been added to the JVM startup options. This option touches all memory pages used by the JVM heap during initialization of the HotSpot VM to reduce the chance of having to commit a memory page during GC time. This will increase the startup time of Elasticsearch as well as increasing the initial resident memory usage of the Java process.