[[java-rest-high-watcher-ack-watch]] === Ack Watch API [[java-rest-high-watcher-ack-watch-execution]] ==== Execution {xpack-ref}/actions.html#actions-ack-throttle[Acknowledging a watch] enables you to manually throttle execution of a watch's actions. A watch can be acknowledged through the following request: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests}/WatcherDocumentationIT.java[ack-watch-execute] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The ID of the watch to ack. <2> An optional list of IDs representing the watch actions that should be acked. If no action IDs are provided, then all of the watch's actions will be acked. [[java-rest-high-watcher-ack-watch-response]] ==== Response The returned `AckWatchResponse` contains the new status of the requested watch: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests}/WatcherDocumentationIT.java[ack-watch-response] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The status of a specific action that was acked. <2> The acknowledgement state of the action. If the action was successfully acked, this state will be equal to `AckStatus.State.ACKED`. [[java-rest-high-watcher-ack-watch-async]] ==== Asynchronous Execution This request can be executed asynchronously: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests}/WatcherDocumentationIT.java[ack-watch-execute-async] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The `AckWatchRequest` to execute and the `ActionListener` to use when the execution completes. The asynchronous method does not block and returns immediately. Once the request completes, the `ActionListener` is called back using the `onResponse` method if the execution successfully completed or using the `onFailure` method if it failed. A listener for `AckWatchResponse` can be constructed as follows: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests}/WatcherDocumentationIT.java[ack-watch-execute-listener] -------------------------------------------------- <1> Called when the execution is successfully completed. The response is provided as an argument. <2> Called in case of failure. The raised exception is provided as an argument.