As a quick helper, below are the equivalent commands from `maven` to `gradle`. You can also run `gradle tasks` to see all tasks that are available to run. [cols="3*", options="header"] |==== | Maven | Gradle | Description | `clean` | `clean` | Delete anything that exists already. | `test` | `test` | Run all unit tests. | `verify` | `check` | Run all unit tests, plus extra checks (e.g., line length) | `verify -Dskip.unit.tests` | `integTest` | | `package -DskipTests` | `assemble` | Output is in `${project.projectDir}/build/distributions` | `install -DskipTests` | `install` | With Gradle, you can easily target specific `projects` to run commands against, and it will build all necessary dependencies to make it happen. For example, if you make a change to a specific test in the `x-pack` subproject, then you can specifically invoke its `test` task. [source,bash] ---- $ gradle :x-plugins:elasticsearch:x-pack:test -Dtests.class=*YourTests ---- This applies to any command that follows the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for its dependencies. The above example would trigger Elasticsearch `core` to be built, as well as the test framework and any other dependencies that it may have.