-- :api: term-vectors :request: TermVectorsRequest :response: TermVectorsResponse -- [id="{upid}-{api}"] === Term Vectors API Term Vectors API returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of a particular document. The document could be stored in the index or artificially provided by the user. [id="{upid}-{api}-request"] ==== Term Vectors Request A +{request}+ expects an `index`, a `type` and an `id` to specify a certain document, and fields for which the information is retrieved. ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request] -------------------------------------------------- Term vectors can also be generated for artificial documents, that is for documents not present in the index: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request-artificial] -------------------------------------------------- <1> An artificial document is provided as an `XContentBuilder` object, the Elasticsearch built-in helper to generate JSON content. ===== Optional arguments ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request-optional-arguments] -------------------------------------------------- <1> Set `fieldStatistics` to `false` (default is `true`) to omit document count, sum of document frequencies, sum of total term frequencies. <2> Set `termStatistics` to `true` (default is `false`) to display total term frequency and document frequency. <3> Set `positions` to `false` (default is `true`) to omit the output of positions. <4> Set `offsets` to `false` (default is `true`) to omit the output of offsets. <5> Set `payloads` to `false` (default is `true`) to omit the output of payloads. <6> Set `filterSettings` to filter the terms that can be returned based on their tf-idf scores. <7> Set `perFieldAnalyzer` to specify a different analyzer than the one that the field has. <8> Set `realtime` to `false` (default is `true`) to retrieve term vectors near realtime. <9> Set a routing parameter include::../execution.asciidoc[] [id="{upid}-{api}-response"] ==== TermVectorsResponse The `TermVectorsResponse` contains the following information: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-response] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The index name of the document. <2> The type name of the document. <3> The id of the document. <4> Indicates whether or not the document found. ===== Inspecting Term Vectors If `TermVectorsResponse` contains non-null list of term vectors, more information about each term vector can be obtained using the following: ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-term-vectors] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The name of the current field <2> Fields statistics for the current field - document count <3> Fields statistics for the current field - sum of total term frequencies <4> Fields statistics for the current field - sum of document frequencies <5> Terms for the current field <6> The name of the term <7> Term frequency of the term <8> Document frequency of the term <9> Total term frequency of the term <10> Score of the term <11> Tokens of the term <12> Position of the token <13> Start offset of the token <14> End offset of the token <15> Payload of the token