[[java-rest-high-java-builders]] == Using Java Builders The Java High Level REST Client depends on the Elasticsearch core project which provides different types of Java `Builders` objects, including: Query Builders:: The query builders are used to create the query to execute within a search request. There is a query builder for every type of query supported by the Query DSL. Each query builder implements the `QueryBuilder` interface and allows to set the specific options for a given type of query. Once created, the `QueryBuilder` object can be set as the query parameter of `SearchSourceBuilder`. The <<java-rest-high-search-request-building-queries, Search Request>> page shows an example of how to build a full search request using `SearchSourceBuilder` and `QueryBuilder` objects. The <<java-rest-high-query-builders, Building Search Queries>> page gives a list of all available search queries with their corresponding `QueryBuilder` objects and `QueryBuilders` helper methods. Aggregation Builders:: Similarly to query builders, the aggregation builders are used to create the aggregations to compute during a search request execution. There is an aggregation builder for every type of aggregation (or pipeline aggregation) supported by Elasticsearch. All builders extend the `AggregationBuilder` class (or `PipelineAggregationBuilder`class). Once created, `AggregationBuilder` objects can be set as the aggregation parameter of `SearchSourceBuilder`. There is a example of how `AggregationBuilder` objects are used with `SearchSourceBuilder` objects to define the aggregations to compute with a search query in <<java-rest-high-search-request-building-aggs, Search Request>> page. The <<java-rest-high-aggregation-builders, Building Aggregations>> page gives a list of all available aggregations with their corresponding `AggregationBuilder` objects and `AggregationBuilders` helper methods. include::query-builders.asciidoc[] include::aggs-builders.asciidoc[]