=== Regexes

Regular expression constants are directly supported. To ensure fast performance,
this is the only mechanism for creating patterns. Regular expressions
are always constants and compiled efficiently a single time.

Pattern p = /[aeiou]/

WARNING: A poorly written regular expression can significantly slow performance.
If possible, avoid using regular expressions, particularly in frequently run

==== Pattern flags

You can define flags on patterns in Painless by adding characters after the
trailing `/` like `/foo/i` or `/foo \w #comment/iUx`. Painless exposes all of
the flags from Java's
Pattern class] using these characters:

| Character | Java Constant | Example
|`c` | CANON_EQ                  | `'å' ==~ /å/c` (open in hex editor to see)
|`i` | CASE_INSENSITIVE          | `'A' ==~ /a/i`
|`l` | LITERAL                   | `'[a]' ==~ /[a]/l`
|`m` | MULTILINE                 | `'a\nb\nc' =~ /^b$/m`
|`s` | DOTALL (aka single line)  | `'a\nb\nc' =~ /.b./s`
|`U` | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS   | `'Ɛ' ==~ /\\w/U`
|`u` | UNICODE_CASE              | `'Ɛ' ==~ /ɛ/iu`
|`x` | COMMENTS (aka extended)   | `'a' ==~ /a #comment/x`