[[get-pipeline-api]] === Get pipeline API ++++ Get pipeline ++++ Returns information about one or more ingest pipelines. This API returns a local reference of the pipeline. //// [source,console] ---- PUT /_ingest/pipeline/my-pipeline-id { "description" : "describe pipeline", "version" : 123, "processors" : [ { "set" : { "field": "foo", "value": "bar" } } ] } ---- //// [source,console] ---- GET /_ingest/pipeline/my-pipeline-id ---- // TEST[continued] [[get-pipeline-api-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `GET /_ingest/pipeline/` `GET /_ingest/pipeline` [[get-pipeline-api-path-params]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} include::{es-repo-dir}/rest-api/common-parms.asciidoc[tag=path-pipeline] [[get-pipeline-api-query-params]] ==== {api-query-parms-title} include::{es-repo-dir}/rest-api/common-parms.asciidoc[tag=master-timeout] [[get-pipeline-api-api-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} [[get-pipeline-api-specific-ex]] ===== Get information for a specific ingest pipeline [source,console] ---- GET /_ingest/pipeline/my-pipeline-id ---- // TEST[continued] The API returns the following response: [source,console-result] ---- { "my-pipeline-id" : { "description" : "describe pipeline", "version" : 123, "processors" : [ { "set" : { "field" : "foo", "value" : "bar" } } ] } } ---- [[get-pipeline-api-version-ex]] ===== Get the version of an ingest pipeline When you create or update an ingest pipeline, you can specify an optional `version` parameter. The version is useful for managing changes to pipeline and viewing the current pipeline for an ingest node. To check the pipeline version, use the `filter_path` query parameter to <> to only the version. [source,console] ---- GET /_ingest/pipeline/my-pipeline-id?filter_path=*.version ---- // TEST[continued] The API returns the following response: [source,console-result] ---- { "my-pipeline-id" : { "version" : 123 } } ---- //// [source,console] ---- DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/my-pipeline-id ---- // TEST[continued] [source,console-result] ---- { "acknowledged": true } ---- ////