// we do not want any of these dependencies on the compilation classpath // because they could then be used within OpenSearch List FORBIDDEN_DEPENDENCIES = [ 'guava' ] Closure checkDeps = { Configuration configuration -> configuration.resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { String artifactName = it.target.name if (FORBIDDEN_DEPENDENCIES.contains(artifactName)) { throw new GradleException("Dependency '${artifactName}' on configuration '${configuration.name}' is not allowed. " + "If it is needed as a transitive depenency, try adding it to the runtime classpath") } } } subprojects { if (project.path.startsWith(':test:fixtures:') || project.path.equals(':build-tools')) { // fixtures are allowed to use whatever dependencies they want... return } pluginManager.withPlugin('java') { checkDeps(configurations.compileClasspath) checkDeps(configurations.testCompileClasspath) } }