== How monitoring works
How it works
Each {es} node, {ls} node, {kib} instance, and Beat is considered unique in the
cluster based on its persistent UUID, which is written to the
<> directory when the node or instance starts.
Monitoring documents are just ordinary JSON documents built by monitoring each
{stack} component at a specified collection interval. If you want to alter the
templates for these indices, see <>.
Each component in the {stack} is responsible for monitoring itself and then
forwarding those documents to the production cluster for both routing and
indexing (storage). The routing and indexing processes in {es} are handled by
what are called <> and
Alternatively, you can use {metricbeat} to collect monitoring data and ship it
directly to the monitoring cluster.
To learn how to collect monitoring data, see:
* <>
* <>
* {kibana-ref}/xpack-monitoring.html[Monitoring {kib}]
* {logstash-ref}/monitoring-logstash.html[Monitoring {ls}]
* Monitoring Beats:
** {auditbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{auditbeat}]
** {filebeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{filebeat}]
** {functionbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{functionbeat}]
** {heartbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{heartbeat}]
** {metricbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{metricbeat}]
** {packetbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{packetbeat}]
** {winlogbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[{winlogbeat}]