=== Get async EQL search API
Get async EQL search
Returns the current status and available results for an <> or a <>.
// TEST[skip: no access to search ID]
==== {api-request-title}
`GET /_eql/search/`
==== {api-prereq-title}
See <>.
===== Limitations
See <>.
==== {api-path-parms-title}
(Required, string)
Identifier for the search.
A search ID is provided in the <>'s response for
an <>. A search ID is also provided if the
request's <> parameter
is `true`.
==== {api-query-parms-title}
(Optional, <>)
Period for which the search and its results are stored on the cluster. Defaults
to the `keep_alive` value set by the search's <> request.
If specified, this parameter sets a new `keep_alive` period for the search,
starting when the get async EQL search API request executes. This new period
overwrites the one specified in the EQL search API request.
When this period expires, the search and its results are deleted, even if the
search is ongoing.
(Optional, <>)
Timeout duration to wait for the request to finish. Defaults to no timeout,
meaning the request waits for complete search results.
If this parameter is specified and the request completes during this period,
complete search results are returned.
If the request does not complete during this period, partial results, if
available, are returned.
==== {api-response-body-title}
The async EQL search API returns the same response body as the EQL search API.
See the EQL search API's <>.