=== Span Near Query

Matches spans which are near one another. One can specify _slop_, the
maximum number of intervening unmatched positions, as well as whether
matches are required to be in-order. The span near query maps to Lucene
`SpanNearQuery`. Here is an example:

    "span_near" : {
        "clauses" : [
            { "span_term" : { "field" : "value1" } },
            { "span_term" : { "field" : "value2" } },
            { "span_term" : { "field" : "value3" } }
        "slop" : 12,
        "in_order" : false,
        "collect_payloads" : false

The `clauses` element is a list of one or more other span type queries
and the `slop` controls the maximum number of intervening unmatched
positions permitted.