var lib = require('requirefrom')('lib'); var expect = require('expect.js'); var moment = require('moment'); var executeWatcher = lib('execute_watcher'); var client = lib('client'); var indexPattern = '[.marvel-]YYYY.MM.DD'; lib('setup_es'); lib('setup_smtp_server'); describe('Marvel Watchers', function () { describe('File Descriptors', function () { describe('above 80%', function () { var response; beforeEach(function () { this.timeout(5000); var fixture = { indexPattern: indexPattern, type: 'node_stats', duration: moment.duration(5, 's'), startDate: moment.utc().subtract(5, 'm'), data: [ ['', 'indices.fielddata.memory_size_in_bytes'], ['node-01', 81000], ['node-02', 70000], ['node-03', 90000] ] }; return executeWatcher('fielddata', fixture).then(function (resp) { response = resp; return resp; }); }); it('should meet the script condition', function () { expect(response.state)'executed'); expect(response.execution_result.condition.script.met); }); it('should send an email with multiple hosts', function () { expect(this.mailbox).to.have.length(1); var message = this.mailbox[0]; expect(message.text).to.contain('"node-01" - Fielddata utilization is at 81000.0 bytes (81%)'); expect(message.text).to.contain('"node-03" - Fielddata utilization is at 90000.0 bytes (90%)'); }); }); describe('below 80%', function () { var response; beforeEach(function () { var self = this; this.timeout(5000); var fixture = { indexPattern: indexPattern, type: 'node_stats', duration: moment.duration(5, 's'), startDate: moment.utc().subtract(5, 'm'), data: [ ['', 'indices.fielddata.memory_size_in_bytes'], ['node-01', 12039], ['node-02', 54393], ['node-03', 20302] ] }; return executeWatcher('fielddata', fixture).then(function (resp) { response = resp; return resp; }); }); it('should not send an email', function () { expect(response.state)'execution_not_needed'); expect(response.execution_result.condition.script.met); expect(this.mailbox).to.have.length(0); }); }); }); });