[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics]] === Estimate memory usage API [subs="attributes"] ++++ Estimate memory usage for {dfanalytics-jobs} ++++ Estimates memory usage for the given {dataframe-analytics-config}. experimental[] [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `POST _ml/data_frame/analytics/_estimate_memory_usage` [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-prereq]] ==== {api-prereq-title} * You must have `monitor_ml` privilege to use this API. For more information, see {stack-ov}/security-privileges.html[Security privileges] and {stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html[Built-in roles]. [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-desc]] ==== {api-description-title} This API estimates memory usage for the given {dataframe-analytics-config} before the {dfanalytics-job} is even created. Serves as an advice on how to set `model_memory_limit` when creating {dfanalytics-job}. [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-request-body]] ==== {api-request-body-title} `data_frame_analytics_config`:: (Required, object) Intended configuration of {dfanalytics-job}. For more information, see <>. Note that `id` and `dest` don't need to be provided in the context of this API. [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-results]] ==== {api-response-body-title} `expected_memory_without_disk`:: (string) Estimated memory usage under the assumption that the whole {dfanalytics} should happen in memory (i.e. without overflowing to disk). `expected_memory_with_disk`:: (string) Estimated memory usage under the assumption that overflowing to disk is allowed during {dfanalytics}. `expected_memory_with_disk` is usually smaller than `expected_memory_without_disk` as using disk allows to limit the main memory needed to perform {dfanalytics}. [[ml-estimate-memory-usage-dfanalytics-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- POST _ml/data_frame/analytics/_estimate_memory_usage { "data_frame_analytics_config": { "source": { "index": "logdata" }, "analysis": { "outlier_detection": {} } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[skip:TBD] The API returns the following results: [source,console-result] ---- { "expected_memory_without_disk": "128MB", "expected_memory_with_disk": "32MB" } ----