[[setup]] = Set up Elasticsearch [partintro] -- This section includes information on how to setup Elasticsearch and get it running, including: * Downloading * Installing * Starting * Configuring [[supported-platforms]] [float] == Supported platforms The matrix of officially supported operating systems and JVMs is available here: link:/support/matrix[Support Matrix]. Elasticsearch is tested on the listed platforms, but it is possible that it will work on other platforms too. [float] [[jvm-version]] == Java (JVM) Version Elasticsearch is built using Java, and requires at least http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html[Java 8] in order to run. Only Oracle's Java and the OpenJDK are supported. The same JVM version should be used on all Elasticsearch nodes and clients. We recommend installing Java version *{jdk} or later*. Elasticsearch will refuse to start if a known-bad version of Java is used. The version of Java that Elasticsearch will use can be configured by setting the `JAVA_HOME` environment variable. -- include::setup/install.asciidoc[] include::setup/configuration.asciidoc[] include::setup/secure-settings.asciidoc[] include::setup/logging-config.asciidoc[] include::setup/important-settings.asciidoc[] include::setup/sysconfig.asciidoc[] include::setup/bootstrap-checks.asciidoc[] include::setup/stopping.asciidoc[]