:api: delete-forecast 
:request: DeleteForecastRequest
:response: AcknowledgedResponse
=== Delete Forecast API

The Delete Forecast API provides the ability to delete a {ml} job's
forecast in the cluster.
It accepts a +{request}+ object and responds
with an +{response}+ object.

==== Delete Forecast Request

A +{request}+ object gets created with an existing non-null `jobId`.
All other fields are optional for the request.

<1> Constructing a new request referencing an existing `jobId`

==== Optional Arguments

The following arguments are optional.

<1> Sets the specific forecastIds to delete, can be set to `_all` to indicate ALL forecasts for the given
<2> Set the timeout for the request to respond, default is 30 seconds 
<3> Set the `allow_no_forecasts` option. When `true` no error will be returned if an `_all`
request finds no forecasts. It defaults to `true`

==== Delete Forecast Response

An +{response}+ contains an acknowledgement of the forecast(s) deletion

<1> `isAcknowledged()` indicates if the forecast was successfully deleted or not.
