[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[index-lifecycle-management]] = {ilm-init}: Manage the index lifecycle [partintro] -- You can configure {ilm} ({ilm-init}) policies to automatically manage indices according to your performance, resiliency, and retention requirements. For example, you could use {ilm-init} to: * Spin up a new index when an index reaches a certain size or number of documents * Create a new index each day, week, or month and archive previous ones * Delete stale indices to enforce data retention standards When you enable {ilm} for {beats} or the {ls} {es} output plugin, {ilm-init} is configured automatically. You can modify the default policies through {kib} Management or the {ilm-init} APIs. [TIP] To automatically back up your indices and manage snapshots, use <>. * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> -- include::ilm-overview.asciidoc[] include::ilm-concepts.asciidoc[] include::ilm-tutorial.asciidoc[] include::ilm-actions.asciidoc[] include::set-up-lifecycle-policy.asciidoc[] include::error-handling.asciidoc[] include::start-stop-ilm.asciidoc[] include::using-policies-rollover.asciidoc[] include::ilm-with-existing-indices.asciidoc[] include::ilm-and-snapshots.asciidoc[]