[role="xpack"] [[watcher-api-delete-watch]] === Delete Watch API The DELETE watch API removes a watch (identified by its `id`) from {watcher}. Once removed, the document representing the watch in the `.watches` index is gone and it will never be executed again. Please note that deleting a watch **does not** delete any watch execution records related to this watch from the watch history. IMPORTANT: Deleting a watch must be done via this API only. Do not delete the watch directly from the `.watches` index using Elasticsearch's DELETE Document API. When {security} is enabled, make sure no `write` privileges are granted to anyone over the `.watches` index. The following example deletes a watch with the `my-watch` id: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE _xpack/watcher/watch/my_watch -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[setup:my_active_watch] Response: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "found": true, "_id": "my_watch", "_version": 2 } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE