[[auditing]] == Auditing Security Events You can enable auditing to keep track of security-related events such as authentication failures and refused connections. Logging these events enables you to monitor your cluster for suspicious activity and provides evidence in the event of an attack. [IMPORTANT] ============================================================================ Audit logs are **disabled** by default. To enable this functionality, you must set `xpack.security.audit.enabled` to `true` in `elasticsearch.yml`. ============================================================================ {Security} provides two ways to persist audit logs: * The <<audit-log-output, `logfile`>> output, which persists events to a dedicated `<clustername>_access.log` file on the host's file system. * The <<audit-index, `index`>> output, which persists events to an Elasticsearch index. The audit index can reside on the same cluster, or a separate cluster. By default, only the `logfile` output is used when enabling auditing. To facilitate browsing and analyzing the events, you can also enable indexing by setting `xpack.security.audit.outputs` in `elasticsearch.yml`: [source,yaml] ---------------------------- xpack.security.audit.outputs: [ index, logfile ] ---------------------------- The `index` output type should be used in conjunction with the `logfile` output type Because it is possible for the `index` output type to lose messages if the target index is unavailable, the `access.log` should be used as the official record of events. NOTE: Audit events are batched for indexing so there is a lag before events appear in the index. You can control how frequently batches of events are pushed to the index by setting `xpack.security.audit.index.flush_interval` in `elasticsearch.yml`. [float] [[audit-event-types]] === Audit Event Types Each request may generate multiple audit events. The following is a list of the events that can be generated: |====== | `anonymous_access_denied` | | | Logged when a request is denied due to a missing authentication token. | `authentication_success` | | | Logged when a user successfully authenticates. | `authentication_failed` | | | Logged when the authentication token cannot be matched to a known user. | `realm_authentication_failed` | | | Logged for every realm that fails to present a valid authentication token. `<realm>` represents the realm type. | `access_denied` | | | Logged when an authenticated user attempts to execute an action they do not have the necessary <<security-reference, privilege>> to perform. | `access_granted` | | | Logged when an authenticated user attempts to execute an action they have the necessary privilege to perform. When the `system_access_granted` event is included, all system (internal) actions are also logged. The default setting does not log system actions to avoid cluttering the logs. | `run_as_granted` | | | Logged when an authenticated user attempts to <<run-as-privilege, run as>> another user that they have the necessary privileges to do. | `run_as_denied` | | | Logged when an authenticated user attempts to <<run-as-privilege, run as>> another user action they do not have the necessary <<security-reference, privilege>> to do so. | `tampered_request` | | | Logged when {security} detects that the request has been tampered with. Typically relates to `search/scroll` requests when the scroll ID is believed to have been tampered with. | `connection_granted` | | | Logged when an incoming TCP connection passes the <<ip-filtering, IP Filter>> for a specific profile. | `connection_denied` | | | Logged when an incoming TCP connection does not pass the <<ip-filtering, IP Filter>> for a specific profile. |====== [float] [[audit-event-attributes]] === Audit Event Attributes The following table shows the common attributes that can be associated with every event. .Common Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `timestamp` | When the event occurred. | `node_name` | The name of the node. | `node_host_name` | The hostname of the node. | `node_host_address` | The IP address of the node. | `layer` | The layer from which this event originated: `rest`, `transport` or `ip_filter` | `event_type` | The type of event that occurred: `anonymous_access_denied`, `authentication_failed`, `access_denied`, `access_granted`, `connection_granted`, `connection_denied`, `tampered_request`, `run_as_granted`, `run_as_denied`. |====== The following tables show the attributes that can be associated with each type of event. The log level determines which attributes are included in a log entry. .REST anonymous_access_denied Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `uri` | The REST endpoint URI. | `request_body` | The body of the request, if enabled. |====== .REST authentication_success Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `user` | The authenticated user. | `realm` | The realm that authenticated the user. | `uri` | The REST endpoint URI. | `params` | The REST URI query parameters. | `request_body` | The body of the request, if enabled. |====== .REST authentication_failed Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed authentication. | `uri` | The REST endpoint URI. | `request_body` | The body of the request, if enabled. |====== .REST realm_authentication_failed Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed authentication. | `uri` | The REST endpoint URI. | `request_body` | The body of the request, if enabled. | `realm` | The realm that failed to authenticate the user. NOTE: A separate entry is logged for each consulted realm. |====== .Transport anonymous_access_denied Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request pertains to (when applicable). |====== .Transport authentication_success Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `user` | The authenticated user. | `realm` | The realm that authenticated the user. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. |====== .Transport authentication_failed Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed authentication. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request pertains to (when applicable). |====== .Transport realm_authentication_failed Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed authentication. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request pertains to (when applicable). | `realm` | The realm that failed to authenticate the user. NOTE: A separate entry is logged for each consulted realm. |====== .Transport access_granted Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that passed authentication. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request pertains to (when applicable). |====== .Transport access_denied Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed authentication. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request relates to (when applicable). |====== .Transport tampered_request Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_type` | Where the request originated: `rest` (request originated from a REST API request), `transport` (request was received on the transport channel), `local_node` (the local node issued the request). | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `principal` | The principal (username) that failed to authenticate. | `action` | The name of the action that was executed. | `request` | The type of request that was executed. | `indices` | A comma-separated list of indices this request pertains to (when applicable). |====== .IP Filter connection_granted Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `transport_profile` | The transport profile the request targeted. | `rule` | The <<ip-filtering, IP filtering>> rule that granted the request. |====== .IP Filter connection_denied Attributes [cols="2,7",options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `origin_address` | The IP address from which the request originated. | `transport_profile` | The transport profile the request targeted. | `rule` | The <<ip-filtering, IP filtering>> rule that denied the request. |====== [float] [[audit-log-output]] === Logfile Audit Output The `logfile` audit output is the default output for auditing. It writes data to the `<clustername>_access.log` file in the logs directory. [float] [[audit-log-entry-format]] === Log Entry Format The format of a log entry is: [source,txt] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [<timestamp>] [<local_node_info>] [<layer>] [<entry_type>] <attribute_list> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- `<timestamp>` :: When the event occurred. You can configure the timestamp format in `log4j2.properties`. `<local_node_info>` :: Information about the local node that generated the log entry. You can control what node information is included by configuring the <<audit-log-entry-local-node-info, local node info settings>>. `<layer>` :: The layer from which this event originated: `rest`, `transport` or `ip_filter`. `<entry_type>` :: The type of event that occurred: `anonymous_access_denied`, `authentication_failed`, `access_denied`, `access_granted`, `connection_granted`, `connection_denied`. `<attribute_list>` :: A comma-separated list of key-value pairs that contain data pertaining to the event. Formatted as `attr1=[val1], attr2=[val2]`. See <<audit-event-attributes, Audit Entry Attributes>> for the attributes that can be included for each type of event. [float] [[audit-log-settings]] === Logfile Output Settings The events and some other information about what gets logged can be controlled using settings in the `elasticsearch.yml` file. .Audited Event Settings [cols="4,^2,4",options="header"] |====== | Name | Default | Description | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.events.include` | `access_denied`, `access_granted`, `anonymous_access_denied`, `authentication_failed`, `connection_denied`, `tampered_request`, `run_as_denied`, `run_as_granted` | Includes the specified events in the output. | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.events.exclude` | | Excludes the specified events from the output. | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.events.emit_request_body`| false | Include or exclude the request body from REST requests on certain event types such as `authentication_failed`. |====== IMPORTANT: No filtering is performed when auditing, so sensitive data may be audited in plain text when including the request body in audit events. [[audit-log-entry-local-node-info]] .Local Node Info Settings [cols="4,^2,4",options="header"] |====== | Name | Default | Description | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.prefix.emit_node_name` | true | Include or exclude the node's name from the local node info. | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.prefix.emit_node_host_address` | false | Include or exclude the node's IP address from the local node info. | `xpack.security.audit.logfile.prefix.emit_node_host_name` | false | Include or exclude the node's host name from the local node info. |====== [[logging-file]] You configure also configure how the logfile is written in the `log4j2.properties` file located in `CONFIG_DIR/x-pack`. By default, audit information is appended to the `<clustername>_access.log` file located in the standard Elasticsearch `logs` directory (typically located at `$ES_HOME/logs`). The file rolls over on a daily basis. [float] [[audit-index]] === Index Audit Output In addition to logging to a file, you can store audit logs in Elasticsearch rolling indices. These indices can be either on the same cluster, or on a remote cluster. You configure the following settings in `elasticsearch.yml` to control how audit entries are indexed. To enable this output, you need to configure the setting `xpack.security.audit.outputs` in the `elasticsearch.yml` file: [source,yaml] ---------------------------- xpack.security.audit.outputs: [ index, logfile ] ---------------------------- .Audit Log Indexing Configuration [options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Default Setting | Description | `xpack.security.audit.index.bulk_size` | `1000` | Controls how many audit events are batched into a single write. | `xpack.security.audit.index.flush_interval` | `1s` | Controls how often buffered events are flushed to the index. | `xpack.security.audit.index.rollover` | `daily` | Controls how often to roll over to a new index: `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, or `monthly`. | `xpack.security.audit.index.events.include` | `anonymous_access_denied`, `authentication_failed`, `realm_authentication_failed`, `access_granted`, `access_denied`, `tampered_request`, `connection_granted`, `connection_denied`, `run_as_granted`, `run_as_denied` | The audit events to be indexed. See <<audit-event-types, Audit Entry Types>> for the complete list. | `xpack.security.audit.index.events.exclude` | | The audit events to exclude from indexing. | `xpack.security.audit.index.events.emit_request_body`| false | Include or exclude the request body from REST requests on certain event types such as `authentication_failed`. |====== IMPORTANT: No filtering is performed when auditing, so sensitive data may be audited in plain text when including the request body in audit events. [float] ==== Audit Index Settings You can also configure settings for the indices that the events are stored in. These settings are configured in the `xpack.security.audit.index.settings` namespace in `elasticsearch.yml`. For example, the following configuration sets the number of shards and replicas to 1 for the audit indices: [source,yaml] ---------------------------- xpack.security.audit.index.settings: index: number_of_shards: 1 number_of_replicas: 1 ---------------------------- [float] ==== Forwarding Audit Logs to a Remote Cluster To index audit events to a remote Elasticsearch cluster, you configure the following `xpack.security.audit.index.client` settings. .Remote Audit Log Indexing Configuration [options="header"] |====== | Attribute | Description | `xpack.security.audit.index.client.hosts` | Comma-separated list of `host:port` pairs. These hosts should be nodes in the remote cluster. | `xpack.security.audit.index.client.cluster.name` | The name of the remote cluster. | `xpack.security.audit.index.client.xpack.security.user` | The `username:password` pair to use to authenticate with the remote cluster. |====== You can pass additional settings to the remote client by specifying them in the `xpack.security.audit.index.client` namespace. For example, to allow the remote client to discover all of the nodes in the remote cluster you can specify the `client.transport.sniff` setting: [source,yaml] ---------------------------- xpack.security.audit.index.client.transport.sniff: true ----------------------------