[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[query-dsl-pinned-query]] === Pinned Query Promotes selected documents to rank higher than those matching a given query. This feature is typically used to guide searchers to curated documents that are promoted over and above any "organic" matches for a search. The promoted or "pinned" documents are identified using the document IDs stored in the <<mapping-id-field,`_id`>> field. ==== Example request [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_search { "query": { "pinned": { "ids": [ "1", "4", "100" ], "organic": { "match": { "description": "iphone" } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- [[pinned-query-top-level-parameters]] ==== Top-level parameters for `pinned` `ids`:: An array of <<mapping-id-field, document IDs>> listed in the order they are to appear in results. `organic`:: Any choice of query used to rank documents which will be ranked below the "pinned" document ids.