== cat indices

The `indices` command provides a cross-section of each index.  This
information *spans nodes*.

% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices/twi*?v'
health status index    pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green  open   twitter    5   1      11434            0       64mb           32mb
green  open   twitter2   2   0       2030            0      5.8mb          5.8mb

We can tell quickly how many shards make up an index, the number of
docs, deleted docs, primary store size, and total store size (all
shards including replicas).

=== Primaries

The index stats by default will show them for all of an index's
shards, including replicas.  A `pri` flag can be supplied to enable
the view of relevant stats in the context of only the primaries.

=== Examples

Which indices are yellow?

% curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices | grep ^yell
yellow open  wiki     2 1  6401 1115 151.4mb 151.4mb
yellow open  twitter  5 1 11434    0    32mb    32mb

What's my largest index by disk usage not including replicas?

% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?bytes=b' | sort -rnk8
green open  wiki     2 0  6401 1115 158843725 158843725
green open  twitter  5 1 11434    0  67155614  33577857
green open  twitter2 2 0  2030    0   6125085   6125085

How many merge operations have the shards for the `wiki` completed?

% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices/wiki?pri&v&h=health,index,prirep,docs.count,mt'
health index docs.count mt pri.mt
green  wiki        9646 16     16

How much memory is used per index?

% curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&h=i,tm'
i     tm
wiki  8.1gb
test  30.5kb
user  1.9mb